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Chapter 78

Chapter 78

James heard the siren.He knew that the police were coming.

However, he did not want everyone to learn about the things that had happened today.

Thea was just an ordinary woman and had already endured enough abuse.

James did not want the police to get involved because the news would spread, and chaos would breakout in the city.

Although Thea was alright, it would definitely spark rumors if word got out.She had been the center ofgossip for too long.

James did not want the matter to cause her any more trouble.

Thus, he phoned the Blithe King.

After the call, he returned to the office and sat on the sofa, waiting for a reply.

Meanwhile, dozens of security guards gathered at the door.

Their faces were beaded with sweat and they wielded electric batons, afraid to enter the office room.

Inside the office, Hank’s lifeless body was lying in a pool of blood on the ground.

The Blithe King was in a meeting when he received the call from James.He had heard of Jame’stemperament and was worried that James would act recklessly.He immediately called off the meetingand issued an order, "Call the police.Inform them to overlook the affairs at Ella Corporation and that themilitary will take care of it.Prepare the car immediately.I’m going to Ella Corporation."

Ella Corporation.It was past office hours, yet many employees were still workingovertime.https://novelebook.com. On the first floor, more than a dozen security guards were lying onthe ground with either injured hands or legs.

The injuries were not minor fractures but caused by being snapped with extreme force, which causedtheir limbs to be completely broken.

The security guards lay on the ground and groaned in pain.

A few of them even passed out from blood loss The police arrived, blocked the scene, and ambulanceswere dispatched.

The team was a fully armed specialized police unit.

Upon seeing such a bloody scene, they were highly vigilant as they began to inquire about thesituation.

After learning that the perpetrator was still inside the building, they hurriedly strategized, Suddenly, theteam’s captain received a phone call from the higher ups, informing him not to intervene in the issue atElla Corporation and that the military would be taking over Soon, military vehicles appeared outsideElla Corporation Dozens of jeeps approached the building, and thousands of fully-armed militarysoldiers appeared.

Immediately, they drove away the onlookers outside the building and chased the police out.

James waited in the office for about ten minutes before the military finally showed up and forciblydetained the security guards.

A burly middle-aged figure walked into the office and glanced at Hank’s lifeless body lying on theground.

Then, he turned his gaze to James, who was sitting on the sofa with Thea in his arms.

He approached them and reprimanded with a hint of dissatisfaction on his face, "James, you’re inCansington, not the Southern Plains.novelbin

How could you be so ruthless? James stood up carrying Thea and replied, "I’ll be leaving through theback door.Arrange for a car to send me back safely.I don’t want any word to spread about whathappened here today, so you better handle the people who saw me properly!"

James turned around and left.

The Blithe King was frustrated.He was the dignified commander of the Western border and wasrecently promoted to the commander-in-chief of the five armies, but he was being ordered around byJames.

However, he truly hoped that James would not cause any more trouble.

"Hold on…"

James, who was carrying Thea, turned around and glanced at the Blithe king, who wore a militaryuniform with five stars on his shoulder.

"What? Is there anything else?" he said reluctantly

"Please don’t cause any more trouble.After all, this sort of stuff falls under my jurisdiction.Don’t make itdifficult for me.I’m begging you, alright?"

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!"

James turned around and left.

James feared no one, and he despised the laws, which infuriated the Blithe King, but he was helplessagainst him.He had no authority to arrest James even if the latter committed a heinous crime unlessthe highest commander gave the order.He took a deep breath and instructed, "Send a car to the backdoor and take him back."


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