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Chapter 753

Chapter 753

Mount Dragon Treasure Mountain, Fortune River.

James sat on a rock with his phone in hand, analyzing what happened in the three months before theCadens’ villa was set ablaze ten years ago.

Quincy saw beside him and asked, “What are you looking at, James?”

Thea’s curiosity was also piqued.

Last night, she concluded that she did not want to lose James to Quincy. Therefore, she went to lookfor them and coincidentally joined their trip. Until now, she still had no idea what James’ plan was.

James put his phone down and looked at the mountain across the river, explaining, “I’m looking at theweather reports back then. I’m trying to deduce the river’s depth by analyzing if there was any heavyrain that year.” Quincy frowned and asked, “Why do you need to know the water levels?” Jamesexplained, “Back then, 1 jumped into the river and held onto a log, floating along the current. That’show I survived. I didn’t sink to the bottom of the river, so I definitely drifted to the underground cavernalong the river’s current. Determining the water levels would allow me to have a rough gauge of thecavern’s location.”

Thea could not help but ask, “Honey, are you looking for an underground cavern? Why are you lookingfor it? You can ask me if that’s what you’re trying to figure out. I used to play along the Fortune Riverfrequently.”

James turned to Thea and asked doubtfully, “You’re familiar with such things?”

Thea fell into thought.

She racked her mind and said, “I remember there was a severe drought that year. It hadn’t rained forseveral months, and the water levels were relatively shallow. I was catching crabs by the river with afew classmates.”

James asked, “Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” Thea nodded.

The memories from ten years ago tormented her for a long time, so much that it was impossible for herto forget.novelbin

James looked at the gushing river in front of him and fell into deep thought. After a while, he reached aconclusion,

If there was a severe drought ten years ago, the water levels then would be incredibly shallow, al aboutten to twenty meters deep.

He sat on the rock absent -inindedly. The virus carried by the Gu in his body had already affected hisbrain and nervous system. It was difficult for him to think for an extended period. Otherwise, he wouldsuffer from unbearable headaches,

Soon, the soldiers that had gone looking for residents returned. “We’ve obtained information aboutseveral underground caverns under that mountain opposite from us. They extend in all directions andare interconnected.”

“A few villagers also mentioned another cavern on the opposite riverbank, but it had already beenflooded with water.”

“Yeah. I heard about that one too. It’s around that area.” The soldiers reported the information theygathered one by one. “Alright.”

James nodded after listening to them. He pointed to the mountain opposite them and instructed, “Headto that cliff and dive ten to twenty meters underwater. After finding the underground cavern, go insideand check if there’s a statue.”

James remembered that the cavern where he found the medical book extended in various directions.He wandered for a very long time and found a statue. Near the statue, he found the medical book

One of the soldiers asked, “What kind of statue?” James harked back to the past. When he entered thecavern, it was pitch black, and he could not see his surroundings. The statue seemed to be of a humanbeing or some sort of monster. Perhaps it was not a statue at all but simply a boulder.

“I’m not sure if it’s a statue. It might’ve been a human, a monster, or just a boulder. In short, it’s aboutten meters tall, and its surroundings are completely flat. You’ll know it’s the right place once you find it.”

Daniel ordered, “Why are you all still here? Get moving!” “Yes, sir!” The soldiers nodded.

They quickly put on their wetsuits and jumped into the river.

The current was fast, and the waves were huge, making it difficult to swim in the river. However, theywere soldiers trained in the special forces, and it was not a big deal to them.

Most of the soldiers from the team jumped into the river, whereas a few stood nearby on guard.

The breeze near the river was cold, and a chill blew toward James, causing his whole body to shiver.

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling cold?” Quincy, who was beside him, asked with concern. Jamesnodded, “Yeah, a little.” Quincy suggested, “The autumn winds are chilly. Let’s head inside the tents torest. I’ll ask them to pick up some dry wood and build a fire.”

After saying that, she stood up to support James

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