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Chapter 6541

At that moment, three important figures appeared inside the palace —Tempestara’s Leader, Xantoni, Bellerian Dynasty’s Leader,Tace, and Jercente Sect’s Leader, Lamuel.

Princess Lumia, Matias, and Wayra quickly rushed to them and anxiously checked on them.

The three leaders were dumbfounded by the sudden change of scenery.

They were sent to investigate the strange phenomenon but ended up trapped inside a barrier.

The next moment, they were teleported into a palace hall with their children standing before them.

Upon hearing their account of events from their children, the three leaders turned their gaze toward James.

Tace asked coldly, “Who are you? Why do you have such an unprecedented Supernatural Power? Also, why are you killing mypeople?” Lamuel stared at James, and questioned as well, “Why did you bring us here? Were you sent by Xachary andGladwin?” Xantoni chipped in, “You’re so young, but already so cruel.

What is it that you want?” As the three leaders questioned James, Princess Lumia, Matias, and Wayra felt their hearts in theirthroats.

They had witnessed James’ unparalleled power firsthand.If James were provoked, their fathers might not even be able to save themselves.Just as the three were about to intervene, James smiled mysteriously at them.

Then, he said, “Although I’ve never dealt with the Tempestara, the Bellerian Dynasty, and Jercente Sect, I’m aware these threeforces once ranked amongst the top ten of the Genesis Worlds.novelbin

You've got deep-rooted foundations and wielded great influence.” James slowly stepped forward with his hands behind him, thenstopped before them and continued, saying, “But look at you guys now.

Do your sects still have the pride and honor they once had?” Confronted with James’ words, the three leaders exchangedglances before collectively displaying sorrowful and furious expressions.

Tace clenched his fists and said, “Kill us if you must.There is no need to humiliate us.In the Genesis Worlds, it has always been the natural law for the strong to prey on the weak.

It's my fault for not having the strength and capability to uphold the Bellerian Dynasty’s honor and legacy.” Observing Tace’sresolve, James nodded with a smile and said, “ You still retained your pride.

If that’s the case, why did you submit to the Yaquis Sect and hand everyone under your command to serve as sacrifices?” Tacewas rendered speechless.

His eyes widened, and his lips parted.However, he found himself unable to refute him.

James directed his gaze toward Lamuel and Xantoni, saying, “And as for you two, you've been renowned powerhouses of theGenesis Words.

In terms of status, you’re not inferior to Yaquis, Xachary, or Gladwin.Yet, you've submitted and become a slave.

Where is your honor, ambitions, anddetermination to face ha dships) mM

Kaye if word bealt’adevastating blow to the souls of thethree leaders. Visit NovelDrama.Orgto read the latest chapter of thisnovel

Anger contorted their faces as they hung their heads, wishing they could disappear into the ground.It was their worst fear to be confronted for their cowardice.They had heard similar rumors about them before, but they had no other choice.

They could face their demise, buthow could they abandon their sdisci les, anglfatpilas? Jameslodked at them, then said calmly,“The New Alliance has used yourdisciples as expendable pawns. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

I've imprisoned them, and with justone word, | can ine qutiyour sect""SQ what Goh cé do you have tochallenge or defy me?” VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latest

chapter of this novel

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