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Chapter 6519

As James re-emerged somewhere a little further from the Telhervo Holy Site, he spotted Xitlaly who was still waiting nearby.Xitlaly was commendable for her alertness and prudence.

However, it appeared she had not leveled up much.

James lifted his hand and channeled a tremendous amount of Marciais Power toward Xitlaly.

By the time she wanted to defend herself, the Marciais Power had washed over her.

Xitlaly could not even move a muscle.

Suddenly, Xitlaly sensed numerous mysterious and powerful energies flowing into her body.

Those energies enhanced her bones and organs, her bloodline power, her soul, and her body.

Xitlaly soon realized she could assume a seated position.

After that, she started channeling the Genesis Power and the fragment of Historial Power she had in her body.To her surprise, her powers increased drastically.

Eventually, James put down his hand.

He cast a soundproof formation around them.

“You still have to experience several tribulations before entering the Xaeclon Rank.

So, | won't build the Golden Body for you soon.

“However, your enhanced body possesses almost half of the strength of a Golden Body.

It is enough for you to protect the beings living in Skynet.” The Marciais Power cast onto her was lifted.

She stood up.


Biefren, why are you...” Before she could finish her question, James sent a long, compact black inscription toward Xitlaly.As Xitlaly opened her hands, the inscription transformed into three black scrolls on her palms.

“Those are the scrolls for learning the first three stages of the Marciais Combat Form.” James continued, “You should pick out abatch of trustworthy and talented men from Skynet’s Yuraeceon Daelm Rank’s Ninth Tribulation cultivators.

“Put these men through intense training.

You need to form an army of men who have mastered the Third Marciais Combat Form and achieved the peak of YuraeceonDaelm Rank’s Ninth Tribulation within one entrapoch.” Xitlaly’s eyes widened.

“That...” “Taotie!” James cut her off again.

With a roar, Taotie flew up in the air and headed toward James.

James pointed at Taotie and transformed him into the human form.

Then, he directed his gaze back at Xitlaly.

“He’s an Eight- Star Combat Power cultivator from the Ying World.

“He is more skilled and powerful than you.

I'll have him help you with defending Skynet and teaching our men the Marciais Combat Form.

You can trust him.” Xitlaly had a look of bewilderment on her face.

“Who are you really, mister? Why are you giving us so much help?” A faint smile played across his lips.“Take care, Xitlaly.

Il bring the kids with me.” James gave her a wink.

Then, he lifted the soundproof formation around them.

With a light wave of his hand, James produced the tricolored energy, which swept around him, Jacopo, and Xainte.The tricolored energy carried them and shot out of the Tirta Grand Formation.

Xitlaly was momentarily stunned.

She snapped to her senses sometime later.

Then, Xitlaly stared in the direction where the energy headed off.


James is back!” She was delighted to see James again.

“You must keep it a secret.

Otherwise, | will kill you.” Taotie reminded her.

Then, he asked, “Do you have any food? I'm hungry.” Xitlaly was rendered speechless by his last remark.

On the other hand, Herodias and Yegor had arrived safely on the Thirty Third Heaven.

A majestic building stood before them.There was an air of holiness about the place as it was surrounded by mysterious-looking black and white gases.

Herodias and Yegor narrowed theireyes as they DOU U pattheplaquevedliah hadi é, Tai Chi GrandTemple, written on it. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

It was not the couple's first time visiting this place.

In the past, the place was named Tirta Grand Temple.

It was the place where Yegor and Herodias had once lived and trained.

Sadly, many things changed since then.

The couple exchanged a glance.

Then, Yegor raised his hand and hurled a blast of righteous aura at the Tai Chi Grand Temple’s front door.

Before Yegor’s attack reached itstarget, two uge nas asgesiof bidek'ditdWHitOguses formed in front of thedoor. Visit NovelDrama.Org to readthe latest chapter of this novel

However, the gases were blown away as soon as Yegor’s attack hit them.The building shook a little due to the impact of the collision.Cracks formed in the space near the building.

Three figures teleported out of theTai Chi Grand mole ple the nextO mMingtant\leGvingy trails of black andwhite lights behind them. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novelnovelbin

Two women and a man in robes of black and white colors stopped before Yegor and Herodias.Those three people’s faces were concealed by the black and white Tai Chi Aura.Nevertheless, anyone could sense their immense amounts of Qrohm.

Their powers seemed to be on par with those of Yegor’s and Herodias’.

Yegor let out a cheerful laugh.

“Who knew we'd be meeting our old friends here today?”

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