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Chapter 6485

As James voiced concern, Hador averted his gaze, visibly burdened with guilt.

Zeux signed and answered, “The Yin governor’s spirit is as lofty as the heavens and is naturally resistant to the dictates of fate.”James asked coldly, “Fate? What exactly does fate entail?” Zeux smiled gently and explained, “Fate is a predetermined courseset by the Law of Paths.

What one should do and can do is already fixed.

James squinted and asked, “Isn’t the Supreme Path about harmonious alignment with nature? Why, then, are laws needed togovern over us?” “Aligning with nature is also a step-by-step process.

Zeux explained smilingly, “Aligning with nature is also a step-by- step process.

It's impossible for all living beings to achieve it from the outset.

From the birth of heaven and earth, we have undergone tremendous transformations.The five major stages are the Taiyi Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, and Taichi.

From nothingness, a myriad of things formed.

These stages are known as the Five Primal Evolutions.

This era is known as the Hongrome Chaos Era.

“After Tai Chi formed, yin and yang emerged.novelbin

Following that, clarity and turbidity separated.

As a result, heaven and earth came into existence.

Then, the five elements were born, leading to the gradual proliferation of all beings and many lives.The essence of cultivators is compassion, frugality, and selflessness.

“But the ultimate manifestation of the Great Dao is in living beings, and as they evolve, they inevitably develop emotions anddesires.

The emergence of desire naturally brings forth greed, anger, ignorance, pride, suspicion, leading to conflicts, violence,oppression, and deceit.” Zeux's gaze shifted to James, who was listening intently.

“If we allow nature to take its course, then wouldn't it be complicit in evil to let living beings continue indulging in these harmfuldesires? “In a world without laws, goodness cannot prevail over evil, nor will the weak have a chance to survive against thestrong.” James frowned and asked, “So laws exist to restrain them?” Zeus said smilingly, “Restraints are only temporary.

The desires of living beings are innate.

How can forced restraints resolve them? Guiding living beings to channel their desires towards benevolent ends is crucial.”James said thoughtfully, “Cultivation.

All desires can be fulfilled through diligent cultivation, leading one to greater heights and perhaps reaching the Daeclon Rank.Zeux agreed with a smile, “Correct.

The path of cultivation has the power to fulfill any desire of sentient beings and draw formidable individuals from diversebackgrounds to embark on it.

This process not only bestowsblessings upon beings fr mallayaiksaf lfepytelddioledtes'a space whereeach can thrive independently,forming an endless cycle. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

“Yet, for this to be realized, every walk of life in different worlds must be categorized.

The discrepancy in grades hinges onallocating cultivation resour mMensuing esatecultivation path are endowed withample motivation. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

“Simultaneously, it is a deterrentagainst erin cu tivatgrs venturinginto toweKlev er ds to exploit theweak.” Enlightened, James suddenlynodded. Visit NovelDrama.Org toread the latest chapter of this novel

He finally understood the importance of law through the wisdom of the experienced.

Nevertheless, he still harbored curiosity about how the allocation of cultivation resources was determined.

Thus, he voiced his question.

Zeux remained patient, providing a comprehensive explanation based on the information he possessed.

The concept of distributing training resources revolved around the partitioning of major worlds and dimensional spaces.

After experiencing so much, James had learned a lot and it was much easier for him to understand.

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