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Chapter 6462

The powerful force morphed into swathes of violent winds sweeping all directions.The Ying World's troops exploded one after another under the oppressive force, resulting in a bloody and tragic scene.Hador frowned and raised his hand to summon an ink brush that contained compelling Marciais Power.

Faced with the immense Historial Power sweeping toward him at breakneck speed, he calmly raised the ink brush and inscribedthe word “Marciais” in the void.

The word quickly duplicated throughout the sky, forming a light barrier around the Ying World’s living beings.

The Yang governor smiled and said sarcastically, “Yianni’s Magic Brush? | didn’t expect the Ying World to have acquired such anexceptional treasure.

I'm surprised to be able to see it here.

However, the Ying World is doomed.

Even if Yianni showed up today, its fate won’t be changed.” After speaking, he waved the Historial Sword in his hand.Countless Sword Lights instantly filled the sky and charged at Hador.

Hador stood his ground and did not even try to evade the attack.

With a fluid motion of his hands, he wrote a few words in the void using the Magic Brush.

These words materialized into spectral fists and legs throughout the sky, each brimming with Marciais Power.

The Historial Power clashed straight into the spectral fists and legs, causing a loud rumbling sound.

The shock waves from the impact spread out, destroying almost everything in the Ying World.

Those protected by the light barrier could not resist the permeating force and were also knocked into the distance.

The battle raged between such formidable cultivators, rendering those with a Six-Star Combat Power and lower utterlypowerless.

Even individuals with a Seven-Star Combat Power could not intervene in the conflict.High above Hador’s head, Yrian saw an opportunity.

His colossal read body swept through the sky as he let out a thunderous roar, unleashing fiery flames to open a path through theHistorial Power.novelbin

Then, he transformed into a human form and dashed toward the Yang governor with a black sword.

The sword in his hand emitted a glow as he got close, and a clone emerged from his body to interrupt the Yang governor'ssecond attack.

Following up, he urged all his strength to engage in a close- quarter battle.Hador quickly used the chance to gather the seriously injured beings and settle them down.Then, he returned to the battlefield.

Faced against the Yang governor, the strength of a powerhouse at the Third Xaexlon Rank and another with an Eight-StarCombat Power could only barely resist.

They were clearly at a disadvantage in the battle.Hador sacrificed several Spiritual Tools in the Ying World to block off the Yang governor's attacks.

Even so, it was only enough to hold him back for a while, and he couldn't find a chance to get close enough.

Meanwhile, the White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise were severely injured after Lucille ensnared them.At that moment, they were also barely surviving.

While the war raged on in the Ying World’s Third Heaven, the Jaert Region remained peaceful.

Clayton reclined in a chair, a gourd of wine cradled in his hand as he took swig after swig, exuding an air of complete ease.Standing in front of him was Stephen and Xzavion.

Although the two suppressed their

cultivation rank after lames omtléted

therentoirétulht he Dark World, they

were the strongest individuals there.

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They had also met with Clayton when they ventured into the Zephyria World.

Naturally, he took a liking to them and decided to train them.

At that moment, the two had already reached a Four- Star Combat Power.

Xzaion looked at Clayton with a frown and asked, “Don't you find this strange?” Stephen agreed, saying, “It feels really bizarre.

Their overall strength must be muchstronger than ours, and ey shautd\have Fkeees infilttdted-tihe JaertRegion by now, yet we've repelledhundreds of their attacks. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

Their true powerhouses have notshown up yet.” Clayton took anothersip of his wine before Fegpondiag! |calnaly.\’ Tdi tronger powerhousesare attacking the Third Heaven,hence why it’s still peaceful here.”Stephen and Xzavion were shockedby the answer. Visit NovelDrama.Orgto read the latest chapter of thisnovel

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