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Chapter 6460

The Yang governor, the White Tiger, the Vermilion Bird, and the Black Tortoise came face to face with the Ying World’s army inthe air at the Third Heaven.

With their advanced level of powers, the Yang governor's group easily massacred countless Ying World’s fighters with each oftheir attacks.

Still, the Marciais Combat Form fighters from the Ying World showed no signs of stopping their attacks.

They bravely rushed toward their enemies even though they knew it was pointless.

That was the level of determination they had.

The Ying World was their home, the only place they could live peacefully.

The people here had no choice but to fight.

Therefore, hundreds of millions of the Ying World's fighters continued to charge at the Yang governor's group.

As more and more injured or perished members fell from the sky, the wounded Taotie, Queena, and other Six-Star CombatPower cultivators shot up into the air.

“Brothers and sisters! The fate of the Ying World depends on us! Charge!” “The people of the Ying World will never surrender!Charge!” “We are the Marciais Combat Form fighters!” “Let's kill that darn Yang governor!” The sounds of people shouting andbeasts growling reverberated in the air.

Taotie and Queena led their men as they sent deadly blasts of their powers at the Yang governor and the three Symbolsnonstop.

The Yang governor kept his hands on his back as he levitated in the air.

Ascornful smile hung on his face as he watched the Ying World’s beings rush toward him.

“I'll grant it since all of you seem to have a death wish.

White Tiger!” Standing behind him, the White Tiger transformed into a gigantic white tiger.

As the tiger let out a deafening roar, countless sonic light swords formed from the Historial Power shot out of its mouth.Hundreds of thousands of Ying World’s fighters were annihilated by the White Tiger's attack.

As another group of cultivators charged forward, the Vermilion Bird aimed its attack at them this time.

The Vermilion Bird spread out its wings.

In a flash, its feathers, which were as sharp as sword edges, shot toward the Ying World’s fighters, causing innumerablecasualties.

Still, more fighters from the Ying World tried to surround the Yang governor’s group.

This time, those men brought one of Ying World’s top-grade treasures, the Queralt Shield.All of them channeled their powers into the shield and rushed toward their target together.“A bunch of halfwits!” The Yang governor bellowed.

He pushed his palm forward and blasted the Historial Power.

Countless palms formed in the air from his powers.

Those palms slammed down on the Queralt Shield and shattered it instantly.

At that very moment, more than thirty Six-Star Combat Power cultivators flew toward the Yang governor's group.They were all wounded and disheveled.

Still, those men managed to slip into the area between the three Symbols.

Then, they immediately chose to blow themselves up.

The Marciais Power spread out to the surrounding area as the explosions set off.

Even the three Symbols were injured during this round of attack.Looks of bewilderment and disbelief were clear on their faces.

Meanwhile, Taotie assumed hisoriginal form despits the\fiskof? mMae hoaiNuéeing Yestructive tribulations.

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He shot toward the Yang governor and began attacking him.Queena quickly joined in to help Taotie.However, the Yang governor was a Sixth Xaeclon Rank cultivator.

His powers and cultivation were f

more superipktd phat 6¥ Faotie’s andSha s. Visit NovelDrama.Org to

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After thousands of exchanges,Taotie’s injurie becameleven More!savers, arid t ng governor evenmanaged to get on top of him. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

It was worse for Queena.

She was forced to revert to her original form.Eventually, the Yang governor caught her by her feet.Then, he began plucking off Queena’s feathers.

Queena’s cries could be heard even from afar.

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