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Chapter 6440

Chapter 6440

The man had a handsome face.He seemed to be around the age of thirty and was impervious to desires.Meanwhile, his gaze was intimidating.

Awkwardly, James said, “Sir, |"

“Sir? Do | look old?"

The mysterious man asked.

James was taken aback.

Then, he laughed awkwardly.


Before he could finish speaking, the mysterious man waved his hand and cut him off.

“Alright.Just say my name."

James’ face twitched.


The mysterious man looked at the creek.

He took a deep breath and stayed silent.

Looking at him, James wanted to continue to speak.novelbin

However, he stopped himself.

At this time, Yukha shouted, “James, do you not care, or is it because you can't control this damned bell?"Upon hearing that, James was speechless.

He raised his hand and put Yukha and Lesia, who had tied her up, into the space.

When Yukha and Lesia turned into two rays of light and entered James’ Ultimate Golden Body, a mysterious black energystopped them.

In the next second, following two loud bangs, Yukha and the illusionary Lesia landed below James.Upon seeing that, James was stunned.

‘Is this the strength of the founder of the Marciais Combat Form? He can stop someone from keeping their second body and pet.‘If it was a clone or a Supernatural Divine Tool, wouldn't it be snatched away?’

“It had been so many years."

The mysterious man sighed.

“It has never been this lively.Let them stay outside."

Hearing that, James was about to speak when Yukha exclaimed, “Lord Yianni..."

Lesia seemed to be afraid of the mysterious man.

She quickly hid behind James.

At this time, the mysterious man glanced at Yukha kneeling on the ground.

“The ancestor of the flying living beings, Yukha?"


Hurriedly, Yukha nodded respectfully.

“Greetings, Lord Yianni."

Then, she bowed to the Yianni.

Yianni nodded.

Then, he shot out a terrifying black light toward Yukha and engulfed her.

In the next second, a ray of colorful light flashed across Yukha.

Her aura became powerful.

Looking at herself, she had a disbelief expression on her face.

"H-Have | reached the Xaeclon Rank?"“No."

Yianni said, “You will reach the raafter y hayetiseddthe Goltien

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Then, he raised his hand and pointed at Lesia hiding behind James.“But she won't be able to bully you anymore."

Upon hearing that, Yukha turnedaround and | ked a begia. Sh mclshehau het fists. Visit

NovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

“Till take your life."

Then, she rushed over and appeared behind Lesia.“Master, can | hit her?"

Lesia suddenly asked.

James laughed and nodded.

“Go. You guys can have a duel.” Lesia snorted.

Immediately, she shot up the s ithYukha ang. feqgiysimtke Void: visit

Sfeook.com to read the latestchapter of this novel

The two were evenly matched and fought closely.James and Yianni smiled upon seeing that.Awhile later, Yianni suddenly said, “Are you James?"

“Yes." James nodded.

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