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Chapter 6267

Chapter 6267

Seeing this scene, a Grand Patriarch with white temples sitting beside Lady Herodias suddenlychuckled and said, "The younger generations nowadays are becoming more and more audacious.Theydare to be so bold and ruthless."

“Well, you can’t say it like that, Sir Stefan."

Another Grand Patriarch with red hair chuckled and said, “They each lead a sect now, how can theydevelop if they don’t compete?"novelbin

The words of the red-haired Grand Patriarch immediately resonated with the other Grand Patriarchspresent, who nodded one after another.

“The Genesis World has always been a world of survival of the fittest.With limited resources, it’s naturalthat the strong are respected."

“We've fought our way up like this all along.Otherwise, could we have what we have now?"

“The younger generation's hot-bloodedness is understandable.Let them play."

“It seems that both the Yaquis Holiness and Gladwin have comparable cultivation bases.This battlebetween them is quite intriguing."

“These two juniors have been at odds for several entrapochs and still haven't determined a winner!"

“We're not interested in their performance.Instead, we're interested in the Chosen One."

Just as their voices fell, Gladwin and the Yaquis Holiness outside the hall had already begun to fight.

When they made their move, it was all devastating Supernatural Powers.

Especially Gladwin’s Historial Dragon's Breath.

Once unleashed, the entire Telhervo Hall outside was filled with golden light, creating a majestic andspectacular sight.

The Yaquis Holiness was not to be outdone.

Amidst this golden light, he moved as lightly as a swallow, contending with various SupernaturalPowers from Gladwin, not falling behind.

Just as they were fiercely engaged in battle, the Celestial Sages walked in slowly with James.

With James’ appearance, all the super powerhouses and Grand Patriarchs in the hall cast strangeglances at him simultaneously.

“Come here, Little James."

Lady Herodias smiled and stood up, waving at him.

Yegor also stood up and smiled.

“You're a bit late, James."

James bowed to them.

Then, he stepped onto the red carpet step by step under the gazes of the powerhouses and GrandPatriarchs.

Wherever he went, all the powerhouses he knew stood up to greet him.

This included not only Yancy Quaid, the Sect Leader of the Behaterm Sect, and Wylie Harriet, the Lordof the Sanctum Genesis World, but also several elders of the lustus Sect.

The super powerhouses at the scene also stood up to greet him one after another, showing no disdainfor him despite being a junior at the peak of Yuraeceon Daelm Rank’s Eighth Tribulation.

After all, the living beings who could sit in this hall were all big shots who had seen the world.

Not to mention the fact that James wielded so many lost Divine Tools of their various sects.

Just being the Chosen One with the Ultimate Golden Body was enough to make them admire him.


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