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Chapter 584

Chapter 584

The battle of the century was about to begin.

This was a battle in the name of cultural inheritance.

If James lost, they would have to acknowledge Goryeon Medicine as the true path of medicine.Jonathan, on the other hand, could make use of this opportunity to spread Goryeo Medicine far andwide.

James needed to win. He had no other choice.

Kevin looked at the participants. “Are you ready?”


“I’m ready.”

James and Jonathan nodded in unison.

“Three… Two… One… Start!”

Jonathan immediately went rummaging through the herbs with Lucas by his side. They searched forthe herbs all the while discussing in a low voice. There was a wide variety of herbs. There wereendless possibilities when it came to concocting a poison with this many herbs at their disposal.

Jonathan and Lucas wanted to create a deadly poison that was almost impossible to cure.

Meanwhile, James was deliberating in front of the shelves.

He took his time scrutinizing each herb.

Soon after, he analyzed all of them. Now that he was aware of the medicinal properties of each herb,he knew what to do. He began choosing his herbs.

Then, he concocted the poison.

An hour soon passed.

“Time’s up. Please stop.”

Kevin announced.

The crowd was at the edge of their seats. The time was up. Did they successfully make their respectivepoisons? James and Jonathan stopped what they were doing.

Kevin then delivered further instructions, “You may now concoct your antidotes.” Jonathan steppedforward. “I’m sorry. There’s no cure for my poison, so I’m incapable of making one. Not only that, thepoison I concocted is incredibly lethal. The toxins will spread throughout the body and kill the personwho consumed it in three minutes.” The crowd gasped in horror.

How vicious…

This was no competition. It was a brazen attempt at taking one’s life.

Meanwhile, Jonathan continued. “This is a competition, not a duel to the death. I don’t wish to killanyone. If you admit defeat and acknowledge Solean Medicine as a derivative of Goryeon Medicine, I’llconcede immediately. After all, the core tenant of Goryeon Medicine is to save lives, not the opposite.”His eyes glinted coldly as they met with James. Hearing that the poison was fatal, the color drainedfrom Delilah’s face.

Although she loved her country, she loved herself more.

“It doesn’t matter.”

James waved his bold claims away.”I’ll make the antidote myself.”

He immediately began working on an antidote for Jonathan’s poison. He managed to prepare anantidote for the so-called deadly poison in record time.

“Mr. Caden…”

Thea was afraid too. She gently pulled James’ sleeves and whispered, “S-Should we just admit defeat?What if an accident happens? We won’t be able to control the situation.”

Even the emcee remained silent. He wanted James to defeat the insufferably arrogant Jonathan.However, the risks were high. He could not bring himself to say anything. Looking at James, Jonathansaid coldly. “You’d better think twice about this. I won’t be responsible for any casualties today.”

James looked at Delilah who was in her undergarments and asked, “Ms. Kimberly, do you wish tocontinue? If not, I’ll have no choice but to substitute you for someone else.”

“C-Can you guarantee my safety?” Delilah felt the fear of death.

She knew what Jonathan was capable of. If he said that the poison was incurable, then it must be thetruth. James gave his assurance. “Do I look like the type of person to toy with the life of my fellowcountryman? Relax, you’ll be fine. I guarantee you.” This did nothing to assuage Delilah’s doubts.novelbin

“I "

She wore a hesitant look.

This was no longer a mere competition. She was now gambling with her life.

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