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Chapter 5790

Wayra’s power was overwhelming. He knocked James out of the sky with just his physical strength.However, James sustained no injuries, only appearing a bit disheveled with tousled hair.

Reappearing in the sky, his aura vibrant, James casually said, “Interesting!”

Wayra smiled faintly and replied, “You’re worthy of my intervention.”

At that moment, he attacked again. He appeared in front of James instantly and threw a punch. Jamesraised his hand to meet it.

Their fists collided.


Two formidable powers clashed, and both James and Wayra were sent flying.

After being thrown back, they once again flew towards each other. Shadows flickered in mid-air, theirspeed reaching an extreme.

There were numerous living beings in the Tomb World sensing both James and Wayra’s speed andZen, but they could not keep up with the pace. All they could sense were afterimages that intertwinedcontinuously.

In an instant, they clashed hundreds of times. Fist against fist, foot against foot. They engaged in a full-force confrontation, utilizing their physical strength, bloodline power, Soul Power, and the power of theirrespective realms.

Every clash was a full-powered exchange.

Boom, boom, boom! The void continuously shattered and formed rifts. Two figures flickered rapidly inthose rifts.

The battle in the Tomb World temporarily came to a halt as many talented powerhouses watched thebattle. Wayra’s reputation was too significant. He rarely made a move in the long years past. It wasearth-shattering every time he did. They wanted to see how strong this legendary man truly was.

In the sky, Wayra threw punches rapidly, unleashing a myriad of them in an instant. However, eachpunch missed because James evaded them.

James appeared mysteriously behind Wayra and struck accurately on his back with a punch. His bodysuddenly bent, and he was forcefully sent flying by a powerful force.

In mid-flight, James rapidly maneuvered and appeared in front of him. With a forceful kick, James’ footlanded on him, causing him to rapidly descend from the sky.

Meanwhile, James appeared beneath him at a faster speed.

With a horizontal push of his hands, an energy pillar manifested in James’ palm.

It surged upward and attacked Wayra as he fell.

Wayra was once again hit and sent soaring into the high skies.novelbin

James flickered once more and appeared in the high skies. His aura condensed to form a radiantlongsword with a thought. The longsword descended and attacked Wayra directly.

Once again, Wayra was struck and rapidly descended from the sky.

This series of battles unfolded in the blink of an eye.


Only a few living beings present could comprehend this series of clashes. By the time they realized it,the ground below had already cracked.

“Who was knocked down?”

Many were puzzled. They had not seen it clearly and did not know who had been knocked down. Theylooked towards the sky, where they saw James standing in mid-air.


“He was defeated?”

“Wayra was knocked down?”

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