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Chapter 5673

“I have, but I haven’t explored the place thoroughly. Also, I can’t say for sure if there are any new areasor spaces beyond the edge of the Dark World or Halcyon Road. I haven’t had the opportunity to go andexplore beyond the boundaries of the Dark World,” Hershya said.

Even a member of the Human Race’s primogenitors like Hershya had never traveled to lands beyond theDark World.

James did not try to press her for more answers.novelbin

The two of them traveled swiftly through the space of the Dark World.

It felt as though a long time had passed when both of them arrived outside the entrance to HalcyonRoad.

James entered the passage without the slightest bit of hesitation.

In the past, James could hardly keep himself straightened while being inside that space. However, hecould now hold up well against the immense pressure on Halcyon Road.

Soon enough, they reached the place where James and the other cultivators had clashed with thestrange star.

James stopped in that area.

“What’s wrong? Why are you stopping?” Hershya asked.

James pointed in a certain direction. “We came across those unknown beings at that spot last time. All ofthe top cultivators from the Dark World tried to stop those beings but to no avail. Even Landry, acultivator on the sixth stage of Transcendental Bliss Rank, was instantly overpowered.” “If it weren’t

because a mysterious, powerful cultivator had shown up at that time, a terrible fate might have comeupon the Dark World.” James turned his eyes to Hershya.

“You’ve been around for a very long time. Have you not heard anything about the unknown beings livingat the end of Halcyon Road?” Hershya replied, “I have lived for a long time now. I was born with weak,unremarkable cultivation, so I remained mostly within the Ancestral Site to train and enhance mypowers.” “Even after the Hagios Sect was established, I had spent most of my time conducting closed-door meditations. Therefore, I am not very informed about the happenings of the outside world.” “I see.”James slowly nodded and scanned his surroundings.

Since there weren’t any paths existing in that space, James could not recreate the scenes of that daythrough the manipulation of paths.

Instead, James could only rely on his memories and conjure those scenes by producing andmanipulating the paths himself.

As James conjured an image showing the scenes of the day, Hershya observed the events.

“It’s him?!” Hershya exclaimed the moment she saw the man in the white robe.

As soon as the man appeared and said a few words, everything turned white in the image. As theblinding white light faded, they could see that the mysterious star, shadow, and Xayvion were all gone.

The scenes stopped playing at that moment.

James looked at Hershya and asked, “Have you met that man before?”

Hershya nodded. “Mhm. I’ve seen him at the Ancestral Site before. Back then, I had only entered theCelestial Rank, but this man was already a Transcendental Bliss Rank cultivator. However, I couldn’t tellwhich stage of the Transcendental Bliss Rank he had achieved. Nevertheless, his powers at that time

were far superior to mine at present.” “That’s very useful information,” James replied, “We’ll turn aroundand head back to the Ancestral Site instead. I’ll check the place by recreating the past scenes to find outwho this man is and where he is right now. I have a few questions to ask him.”

Paths existed at the Ancestral Site, and everything was recorded in them. No matter how much time hadpassed, James could manipulate the paths existing in the surroundings to recreate any events that hadhappened in the past.

“Sure.” Hershya gave a slight nod.

“Who says you can leave so soon?”

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