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Chapter 5136

Chapter 5136 Xezal thought she would have to spend some time trying to persuade Lor.

So, she was rather surprised when she got his permission so easily.

Lor produced a token and tossed it in Xezal’s direction.

“Take this token with you.

The men I’ve brought with me and those we’ve planted here in Endlos will heed your command if youshow them the token.” Xezal smiled contemptuously as she kept the token in her pocket.

“T still don't know which of the cultivators in Endlos have actually reincarnated from another plane ofexistence.” Lor shared without a hint of hesitation, “Wynton Yanes is the reincarnation of the young lordfrom Emyr Island.

Also, Xrival from the Human Race used to be a cultivator from Emyr Island.” “wynton...

and Xrival?!” Xezal stuttered a little due to shock.novelbin

She had gotten quite a shock when she discovered that Sedris was the reincarnation of a cultivatorwho had tried to conquer Endlos.

Never did she expect to find that Wynton and Xrival were from Emyr Island as well.

Xezal drew a long breath to calm herself down.

“You can leave now.

I’ll be looking forward to hearing good news from you.” Lor waved his hand dismissively.

Xezal did not wait for Sedris as she teleported and left right away.

The fact that Xrival was Lor’s subordinate would make it a lot easier for Xezal to carry out her plans.

On the other hand, James had been keeping a close watch over the situation in and around theOrstellen Sect from the nearby universe.

He even made a mental note of the cultivators who had left the Orstellen Sect’s base recently.

ct Huh?” James spotted a familiar face at that moment.

“Xezal? What is she doing at the Orstellen Sect?” Ever since he had recovered memories of his pastlife in the Orstellen Sect’s sanctuary, James had also realized Xezal’s true identity.

Xezal was once a superior cultivator from the Central Plane named Lady Wikolia.

Back then, she was also one of his admirers.

During his last life, James was completely immersed in his life mission of achieving better and greaterpower.

He did not show much interest in anything else.

James did not dwell on how Xezal had ended up being reincarnated into the Endlos.

Moreover, he could tell that Xezal had yet to recover her memories from their past interactions.

He had decided to catch up with her once he had settled things in Endlos and when Xezal hadregained her memories.

James was completely oblivious to the fact that it was Lady Wikolia who had masterminded andconspired with other cultivators to bring him down.

After her feelings were rejected, Lady Wikolia was so infuriated and heartbroken that she ultimatelychose to exterminate James’ past self, Lord Supremus.

Xezal appeared somewhere just outside the Orstellen Sect's base.

She tried her best to conceal her aura and presence.

However, James noticed her almost instantaneously.

Soon enough, she met up with Wynton somewhere nearby.

After that, she got to see Xrival too.

James was able to listen to their entire conversation with his powers.

He furrowed his brows as he considered what to do next.

“Wynton is the young lord of Emyr Island...

Also, Thea’s father, Xrival is actually the reincarnation of Lor Willasse’s subordinate?!” James neverthought that those two men would turn out to be the spies.

A brief moment later, James curled his lips.

“This is getting interesting.

As expected of Lady Wikolia, her reincarnation managed to get in touch with Lor within such a shortamount of time.

She even received Lor’s token and was allowed to command his men from Emyr Island.

Let’s see what you will do after this.” James felt much more at ease after learning who the spies fromEmyr Island were.

He continued to stay hidden in that universe while keeping everyone under constant surveillance.

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