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Chapter 4641

The Almighty Dragon General Chapter 4641-The four disciples departed contentedly. As for James, hekept a certain distance from the elder.

He could not shake the persistent feeling that something was wrong.

“Who are you?” James looked at the elder puzzledly.

“Ahem.” The elder straightened his posture, cleared his throat, and said solemnly, “Young man, listencarefully. I am the Head of Tempris House at the Verde Academy and one of the top ten powerhousesof the academy. I place third amongst these ten powerhouses.

“So, are you impressed?” He gazed at James, his old face lighting up with a bright smile. Jamesattempted to gauge the elder’s cultivation rank, but it seemed the latter had mastered a technique toobscure his aura. James could not ascertain his exact cultivation base.

Nonetheless, being ranked third in the Verde Academy was sufficient to denote his formidable abilities.At the very least, he must have reached the Late Boundless Rank of the Caelum Acme Rank.

“Beginning today, you’ll be a disciple of the Tempris House,” the Head of Tempris House declared as hestroked his beard solemnly. He continued, “In fact, it is only fitting that we arrange a grand initiationceremony after successfully recruiting such a promising disciple. It’ll undoubtedlynovelbin

astonish the other academies.

“It’s set. That’ll be the plan.” The man smiled warmly, directing his gaze at James. He then asked,“Young man, what is your name?”

James matched his seriousness and responded, “I am James Caden.”

“That’s a nice name. For the time being, make yourself at home in the Tempris House. There arenumerous spiritual mountains within this domain, and this entire area falls under my jurisdiction. Feelfree to explore as you wish. I’ll notify the other academies and extend invitations to their Heads for yourinitiation ceremony,” the Head of Tempris House concluded before disappearing, leaving James in astate of bewilderment.

Had he truly become a disciple of the Verde Academy? He had some understanding of the VerdeAcademy. It had five major branches, and the Tempris House was one of them. Other than that, thespecifics were unclear to him.

“Hey, you there, come here.” James gestured to a cunninglooking disciple standing not too far away.This particular disciple was part of the group that escorted him up the mountain earlier. He seemed tobe in his twenties. He wore a white robe and had a rather striking appearance. However, his cultivationrank was not exactly impressive-merely at the Late Stage of the Terra Acme Rank. He was far fromreaching the Boundless, even within the various realms.

In the former Chaos District, a cultivation base of this level would have one regarded as a powerhouse.Yet, within the

Nine Districts where powerhouses were plentiful, it became rather modest.

The young man approached James with a bright smile and called out, “Did you ask for me?”

James asked sincerely, “Can you tell me about the background of the Tempris House? Why does asubstantial academy like this have so few disciples?”

“Well…” the young man hesitated for a moment.

“Cut the rambling and get to the point!” James yelled, making the young man tremble.

“Quite some time ago, the Tempris House used to flourish with a multitude of disciples. However, dueto an

unfortunate event, it underwent a drastic change. Its talent pool dwindled, and now, hardly any livingbeings are willing to become part of the Tempris House.”

Intrigued by this revelation, James inquired, “What event?”

“Um, I’m afraid I can’t reveal that. It would be best you asked the master directly.” With evidentapprehension, the young man hurriedly scuttled away.

James stroked his chin and muttered, “There’s definitely something going on here.”

Releasing his Zen, he surveyed the Tempris House and sensed the presence of the Head of TemprisHouse on a spiritual mountain. In a swift motion, James vanished from his original position andmaterialized beside the Head of Tempris House the next instant.

However, upon arriving, James was startled by what he saw. The area was blanketed in graves. As faras he could see, there were potentially millions of them. Taken aback by the scene, he could notrestrain himself from inquiring, “Why are there so many graves here?”

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