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Chapter 4536

Chapter 4536

James was able to make those deductions after having observed his surroundings and the state of theuniverse.

“It’s because we want to survive, obviously.” Leif decided to be forthcoming.

James was already allowed to roam their universe freely. Leif knew the man could always find out whathe was about to share by asking the other inhabitants in their universe.

“Have you ever heard of the Aeternus District?” Leif asked.

James nodded. He had just read about the Endlos’ Nine Districts from the book earlier. The AeternusDistrict was listed as one of these nine districts.

Leif explained, “The Aeternus District is one of the nine districts that comprise Endlos. Although it hasthe lowest rank among the other districts, they’re still a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, a civilwar broke out there, and their district leader was murdered. In order to survive, we rescued thesaintess and fled from our homes. We’ve been on the run ever since.”

“By saintess, do you mean Ms. Saachi?” James asked.

‘Yes.” Leif continued, “Ms. Saachi is the district leader’s daughter and the Aeternus District’s saintess.After our district leader was murdered, the other forces and several organizations wanted the same fatefor her too. We barely made it out of the Aeternus District back then and finally

settled in this area of the Endlos Void.”

James was not planning on getting involved in the matters of the Aeternus District. However, fateseemed to push him toward the center of a huge conflict happening in the Endlos.

Lief went on to explain, ‘The other major forces and organizations are constantly trying to eliminate thesaintess because of her unique abilities. Once the saintess’ abilities fully develop, she’d be virtuallyinvincible. She’d become one of the top cultivators among the Endlos’ Nine Districts.”

“Is that so?” James had a skeptical look in his eyes.

‘Though I couldn’t detect Saachi’s exact cultivation rank, I have the feeling that she’s at most, a CaelumAcmean. That no doubt would make her a competent cultivator in the

Endlos. However, she would hardly be considered one of the top powerhouses in the Endlos’ NineDistricts.’ James thought.

‘That’s right, and that’s because the saintess possesses the Dobro Eyes. The wielder of the DobroEyes is practically unbeatable.”

As he paused for a break, Lief gave a sigh. “Unfortunately, when we were trying to get away from ourpursuers, Ms. Saachi pushed herself too far and sustained irreversible damage to her abilities. It isalmost impossible for her to recover the Dobro Eyes’ original strength.”

“If the saintess loses the great powers of the Dobro Eyes for good, we’ll have to continue running andhiding in the

Endlos Void. We’d never be able to return to our home, the

Aeternus District, again.”

“What about you?” Lief turned his gaze toward James. “I’ve told you a lot about us. Shouldn’t you sharesomething

about yourself in turn? For instance, why do you have such a nasty seal placed over your body?”

James smiled bitterly. He replied, ‘That’s because I’ve crossed someone very powerful.”novelbin

Then, James made up a story about how he had made an enemy of an incredibly skilled cultivatorcalled the Ancestral Blood Master. After James had finally escaped from the man’s clutches, he,unfortunately, lost consciousness and had been drifting across the Endlos Void since then.

However, James did not disclose any information about the Chaos.

Leif appeared to believe James’ story. “I guess that makes us allies now. You may choose to stay orleave this universe whenever you want.”

‘Thanks a lot!” James grinned broadly. “I’ll stay around the spiritual mountains belonging to thesaintess, then. It is the only area that remains intact and free of rifts. It’ll help me cultivate better.”

Leif nodded in agreement. “I’ll arrange for a suitable place for you to stay once I head back then.”

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