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Chapter 4330

The Almighty Dragon General Chapter 4330-James knew how severe his injuries were. He even knewhow long and arduous it would take for him to heal those injuries caused by the Yaneiri King.

However, it only took Zella less than a minute to heal James completely.

James stared at the lovely and graceful lady for quite some time. He couldn’t help but feel curiousabout why Zella had helped him.

“I’ve saved you because I think you are important,” Zella replied in a gentle voice.

“I’m important?”

James had a puzzled look in his eyes.

“Follow me.”

After saying that, Zella started walking toward the entrance of Mount Yaneiri. Despite his initialconfusion, James followed behind her.

“Have you heard of the Sky Burial before?” Zella asked.

“Mhm.” James said, “I’ve heard about it before.”

Zella said, “All beings perish whenever the Everlasting Night Demon Lord befalls us. In the long historyof the Greater Realms, each and every civilization that was flourishing or thriving would inevitably cometo an end due to the Skynovelbin


“The Sky Burial is divided into the Mega Sky Burial and the Miniature Sky Burial. During the MiniatureSky Burial, only cultivators that were in and above a certain cultivation rank would be wiped out. The

Mega Sky Burial is much worse. When it happens, everything is engulfed in darkness. All beings returnto the Chaos, and the world restarts from nothing again.”

Zella explained about the Sky Burials in a calm, unhurried tone.

James furrowed his brow.

Tm aware of the Sky Burial.

‘As far as I know, there was once a time when there were countless cultivators of the Caelum AcmeRank living and prospering for a long time together. It was a period when the Blithe Omniscience, thePrimal Mantra, and the Chaos Sacred Art were created.

‘However, all of those cultivators perished at some point around the same time.

‘Another example would be the people of the Space Race. All their top cultivators perished as well.

‘Regardless of how those people had died, everyone called it a Sky Burial,’ James thought.

“What exactly is a Mega Sky Burial?” James asked.

Zella replied, “People say that the Mega Sky Burial is a myth. However, it is very real. When it happens,the Greater

Realms will be engulfed in total darkness. All of the universes will be consumed and disintegrated.Everything will cease to exist at that point and return to the Chaos when it happens.”

She continued, “I can see fragments of the future, and I’m certain that a Mega Sky Burial will happen atsome point in the future. I can’t say for sure when that is, but it will most likely happen when you havemore and more cultivators of the Caelum Acme Rank in the future.”

“Is there any way of stopping it?” James asked.

“Of course.” Zella stopped and looked at James. “Someone has to achieve the Chaos Rank. Then, theywould be able to fight the darkness and overcome the Mega Sky Burial.”

Then, she led James as they hiked up Mount Yaneiri.

Mount Yaneiri was a very unique and beautiful mountain as the spiritual mountain floated in mid-air andhad the shape of a crescent moon.

Soon, they arrived at a picturesque manor located on the top of Mount Yaneiri.

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