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Chapter 4253

Chapter 4253

The black-robed man was named the Devouring Demon. He was not exactly a living being and wasmore accurately described as a being that straddled the border between life and death.

The Devouring Demon was confident he could kill everyone since the competition lasted for 30,000years.

Within this period, none of the powerhouses on Mount Chaos could enter the Ancient Realm. He wassure he could wipe out the creatures that entered the Sky Islands before the end of the competition.

The Devouring Demon burst out in maniacal laughter. Then, he replied, “Since you insist, I’ll simplyenlighten you before your death.”

Everyone standing behind James quickly drew their weapons and unleashed their powerful auras. Allof them entered their combat forms and prepared to engage in a battle.

The Devouring Demon paid the Quasi Acmeans no mind. He hardly even cared about Deshawn whohad reached the Quasi Boundless Rank.

The only person he wanted to fight was James, disguised as Wyot. The Devouring Demon was a TerraAcmean and was not intimidated by James.

James waited silently for an answer.

“Wyot, Wyot, Wyot. I wonder why you weren’t killed by the humans. If only they did, then thingswouldn’t have to be so complicated.

Elder Youri could easily take over the Doom Race with the other members’ support. Then, he couldslowly conquer the Greater Realms.”

“Are you saying Elder Youri is the one who’s behind this?” James asked calmly, unsurprised by therevelation.

The Devouring Demon replied, “Yes, that’s right. Elder Youri wants you dead. He’s already entered theOmniscience Path’s Ninth Stage and has acquired an incredible physical body.

Now, he only lacks Blithe Omniscience. However, someone has been going around as him and causingtrouble.

His plans to obtain the ten tokens were derailed. Due to recent developments, he abandoned hisoriginal plan and wanted to acquire the Ten Great Race’s tokens by any means possible.”

The Quasi Acmeans behind James gasped after hearing the Devouring Demon’s words.

“The Omniscience Path’s Ninth Stage?”

“He’s lying, right?”

“Youri’s from the Doom Race. He’s not a human. How could he reach the Omniscience Path’s NinthStage?”

Many creatures were in disbelief despite hearing the truth for themselves.

“Since I’ve already satisfied your curiosity, now it’s time to send you on your way.”

The Devouring Demon raised his hand, and the Light of Acme transformed into a sword. The swordexuded overwhelming power.novelbin

The Devouring Demon was a Terra Acmean, and wielding the Light of Acme strengthened him further.His aura was oppressive and made everyone tremble. Even Deshawn lost his fighting spirit and wasovercome with dread.

“Am I really going to die here?” Deshawn was devastated.

He was Quasi Acmean for a long time and had finally stepped into the legendary Quasi BoundlessRank. He was not going to go down without a fight.

However, he could not even defeat one of the death spirits, let alone twelve. Even worse, theircommander, a Terra Acmean, had now joined the fight.

Everyone held their weapons and mustered all their strength in preparation for a potentially fatal battle.

The Devouring Demon held the Light of Acme in its sword form. He looked at James, and an eeriesmile appeared on his face.

“Although you’re the Doom Race’s Young Master, you probably have never seen a weapon like minebefore.

The Light of Acme I wield was born from the remnants of more than ten dead Acmeans. I’ve alreadyrefined it into a Terra Acmean God Weapon.”

James’ expression grew darker. However, he still restrained himself. He asked, “What exactly are you?”

TN: There has been a slight error with the rankings of a few previous chapters. Deshawn is at theQuasi Boundless Rank, whereas the twelve death spirits are at the Eternal Boundless Rank. TheEternal Boundless Rank is above the Quasi Boundless Rank, i

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