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Chapter 424

Chapter 424

They kissed. Then, they hugged. Knock! Knock! Knock! Suddenly, knocks came from the door.

As if they were doing something wrong, they jumped with alarm and wrung free of each otherimmediately. James cleared his throat. “Who is it?”

He was displeased.

‘Who was it knocking on the door? How rude. I almost had it. How dare they interrupt me?’ Gladys’voice came from the door. She shouted, “Open the door! Lex is calling for a family meeting. He’sdemanding everyone join.” “In the middle of the night? Come on!” James was displeased. Thea, on theother hand, was already dressed. She was quick. She had gotten dressed before James could evenreact. Blushing, she smiled at James. “M-Maybe next time…” What else could James say? Next time,then.

He put on his clothes. After getting dressed, they walked out of the room. “What took you two solong?”

Gladys was annoyed.

Suddenly, she noticed something. She stared at Thea and saw that her cheeks were red.


She understood with a single glimpse what had happened in the room. She swiftly dragged Thea asideand whispered, “Thea, d-did you do it with that piece of trash?”


Thea panicked. 1

She felt as if she had done something wrong and was getting exposed.

Embarrassed, she hung her head. She did not know what to say.


Enraged, Gladys rebuked her. “What did I tell you? Why won’t you listen?” “What are you dilly-dallyingfor? Don’t we have a family meeting to attend? Let’s get going.” As James’ plan had been ruined, hewas displeased.

Thea hurriedly made her way to the door. “That girl!” Gladys crossed her arms. Benjamin looked atJames and said, “Let’s go.”

They headed toward the Callahans’ villa.

Along the way, Gladys kept reprimanding Thea.

She knew Thea had not slept with James and was still a virgin. She had also been secretly remindingher not to sleep with James. That way, after divorcing James, she would have the right to marry into apowerful family. novelbin

Once she slept with someone, she would be an undesirable second-hand product.

She never expected her to… She kept scolding Thea. Thea remained silent.

She was replaying the earlier scene in her head.

When she kissed James and when James tightly embraced her in his arms, she felt a jolt of electricitypassing through her body. She felt like she was floating on air. She relished that feeling. She wasinfatuated with that feeling.

Thinking about this, she could not help but grin.

Soon, they reached the Callahans’ villa.

Many important members of the family were already present.

Howard’s and John’s families were present.

Thea and her family walked in. Everyone turned to look at them. Immediately, the sarcastic remarkscame. “Dilly-dallying all day long… Always the last to arrive, I see.”

The one who uttered those remarks was Audrey Catalina, Howard’s wife. All this while, Audrey wasable to lift her head high with her mother’s family as her husband was the chairman. However, becauseof Thea, the Callahans were now faced with bankruptcy. She utterly despised Thea. “Mom, stop it.”Weston pulled at Audrey. Lex sat on the sofa and smoked his cigar. Seeing that everyone was present,he spoke, “Our family is in a deep crisis. I’ve called you all here today not to shift the blame on anyonebut to think of a way to resolve the crisis.”

Lex’s voice was clear and crisp.

Everyone’s gaze was fixed on Thea. Tommy said coldly, “All thanks to Thea, I suppose. This onlyhappened because she crossed the Watsons and humiliated them. That’s why they’re exacting theirrevenge on us.” “That’s right. Because of Thea, all medical corporations have ceased cooperation withus. All our contracts have been canceled.”

“Grandpa, Thea’s a jinx. The Callahans will never enjoy peace with her here. Let’s kick her out of thefamily.” “Even if we kick her out, she’ll still have to pay her dues.”

The Callahans spoke.

Thea did not understand the situation the Callahans were in.

She only knew that Pacific Group was doomed. She had no capital left to kickstart new operations.

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