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Chapter 418

Chapter 418

It was a car Henry would normally use. Since Henry was at the hospital, Whitney was the one driving

He carried Thea into the car. “J-James, my brother’s still in the basement. S-Save him.” Theaexclaimed.

“Got it.”

James put Thea down and said to Whitney, “Bring her to Common Clinic.” Whitney nodded and said,“Be careful, James. “I couldn’t care less about these insignificant creatures.” Wearing a coldexpression, James turned to leave.

Whitney turned to look at Thea and said nothing. Then, she started the engine and drove away. Jamesreturned to Osmanthus villa. At the same time, he called the Blithe King.

“I’m at Osmanthus villa in the suburbs. Clean up the mess in an hour.”

Hanging up the phone, he headed straight toward the basement.

Many of Maximus’ men were guarding the place. James walked toward them. In an instant, the fightwas over.

They all died a gruesome death. He saw David, who was tied up, and the blood dripping on the floor.

It was David’s blood. James slightly frowned.

He walked over to David and took his pulse. Then, he checked his body condition. novelbin


“It’s serious.”

David’s knees were shattered. His limbs were broken. He had suffered excruciating torture. Now, hewas hanging on his last breath.

James untied him.

His body immediately fell forward. James caught him in time.

David regained consciousness.

The moment he saw James, he wanted to reproach him. However, he could not utter a single word.

James pulled a few silver needles out and used them to keep David conscious. Then, carrying him inhis arms, he walked out of the basement.

There was a commotion outside.

Before James could even leave the basement, hundreds of armed men gathered outside. They werecarrying metal rods two meters in length and machetes.

“Kill him.”

A middle-aged man stood at the back.

It was Gavin.

Wearing a surly expression, he said coldly, “James, I didn’t think you’d show yourself. This will be yourfinal resting place.”

James stared at them coldly.

“You piece of trash. Looking down on me?”

Carrying David in his arms, he walked straight toward them.

“Get him!”

“Kill him!”

Hundreds of armed men charged toward James.

They hacked at James with machetes.

Even though James was all alone, they stood no chance against him. James dodged a series of theirattacks while looking for an opening.

When an opportunity presented itself, he was merciless. Soon, hundreds of men lay on the floor. Theirlimbs were broken, and they lay on the floor motionless. Their deaths were gruesome.

Gavin was stunned.

Though he knew that James’ strength was unrivaled, he did not expect him to be this strong. He wasable to take down hundreds of men even while carrying a gravely injured David.

Gavin pulled out a revolver.

“D-Don’t move! I-I’ll shoot you!”

His hands were trembling. His forehead was beaded with sweat.

James reached toward his waist and grabbed a silver needle.

The needle flew out of his hand. Before Gavin could open fire, the needle had pierced through his skin.His body went limp, and he collapsed onto the floor.

James put David down and went to the room upstairs. Then, dragging the naked Zavier, he headedstraight to the window and threw him off the second floor.


A scream of agony came from downstairs. As it was only the second floor, Zavier did not fall to hisdeath. However, all his bones were shattered.

Maximus lay on the ground. Looking at James slowly approaching him, his face turned pale, and histeeth began chattering, “M-Mr. Caden, h-have mercy on me…” James lifted him and threw him out thewindow like a rag doll. Then, he leaped out of the window himself.

He landed on his feet.

Then, he lifted Zavier and tossed him aside. sitting on a flight of stairs, he lit a cigarette. “Do you thinkyou can stand against me just because I’ve resigned?” James looked at the bloodied Zavier and saidcoldly, “I warned you not to approach my wife. Why are you digging your own grave?”

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