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Chapter 4117

Chapter 4117

Besides, they could see that the formation was slowly and gradually moving toward the central region.Though the speed was moderate, the formation would rhea the center of the Desolate Grand Canyonin a million years.

“Is this for real?”

“People are really getting killed by the formation?”

At that moment, many began to panic. Some soared to the sky and tried to leave this place. However,just as they were about to leave Planet Desolation, they came into contact with the formation andimmediately disintegrated into nothingness.

Upon seeing this, the faces of many people turned pale. James’ expression turned grim as well.

“Looks like this is for real. I will have to expect the worst,” he murmured.

He had been planning for the worst-case scenario. That was because he did not know who enteredPlanet Desolation and whether there were any Acmeans among them over the past millions of years. Ifthere were, it would be difficult for the others to survive.

‘This is not a game, folks.”novelbin

The illusory voice echoed throughout the region.

“Please use everything at your disposal. The last one standing will obtain the Primal Mantra andperhaps some other providences.”

The voice grew increasingly weaker until it completely vanished.

The moment the voice reverberated throughout the region, James tried searching for the source of thevoice. However, the voice seemed to be reverberating in his ears as well as coming from a distance atthe same time. As such, he could not pinpoint the exact location where the voice was coming from.


At that moment, fierce battles erupted everywhere at once. Some stronger beings seized theopportunity and ambushed the others. Though some came as a group, their groupmates had alsobegun attacking their comrades. In an instant, chaos erupted everywhere.

Though there were no living beings in James’ area, he did not let his guard down. He began to proceedwith caution. Concealing his presence, he surreptitiously headed in the direction of the center.

Along the way, he witnessed many battles. Some were around the Quasi Acme Rank, while the weakerones were at the Seven-Power Macrocosm Ancestral God Rank.

“Only three thousand years of lifespan?”

As James gazed at the fierce battles straight ahead, he fell into deep thought. The voice said that eachliving being inside the formation only had a lifespan of 3000 years.

3000 years later, they would be annihilated. The only way to survive was to kill the others. Killing anenemy would gain him an additional 3000 years of lifespan.James did not wish to make a move againstother living beings.

However, to survive, this was the only way. He looked at the battle straight ahead. There were abouttwenty or so living beings engaged in a fierce battle.

Their cultivation base was about the Nine-Power Macrocosm Ancestral God Rank. Such cultivationbases were the pinnacle of strength in James’ universe. Even in the Greater Realms, they would be

considered powerful beings.

James’ face darkened. Then, his body flickered as he appeared in the sky. As his mind stirred, aglimmering Sacred Blossom materialized.

Immediately, a light illuminated the sky. Though beautiful, it actually contained destructive power.Everything that came into contact with the Sacred Blossom’s power was immediately annihilated.Before the living beings below could understand what was going on, they were wiped out by the SacredBlossom.

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