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Chapter 400

Chapter 400

The nation observed ten minutes of silence to honor the Black Dragon, the God of War. After informingthe press of the circumstances surrounding the Black Dragon’s death, Levi chased the reporters away.After all, what he was about to do next was not suitable for television broadcasts.

Levi entered the consulate general.

Envoys of the twenty-eight nations were here for the negotiations. After Levi walked in, a few soldierscarried the still unconscious, badly injured Henry in.

Levi cut to the chase and spoke in a firm voice, “In accordance with international practices, you’ll haveto pay a ransom for every prisoner-of-war. A million for each common soldier, 10 billion for a general,and 5 billion for a lieutenant, and since you’ve killed our commander-in chief, we’ll increase the pricetenfold. We request that you pay up immediately. Otherwise, they will be executed this instant.”

Levi revealed their demands.

Enraged, the envoys stood up. “No way.” “Levi, you’re taking it too far.”

“Hell no!”

Levi stared at them with ruthless eyes.novelbin

“In that case, I’ll give the order to execute all the captives immediately.”

As he said that, he turned to leave.


“G-General Levi, let’s talk it over.”

“L-Let’s discuss this.”

“Tenfold is too much. We can’t accept this.”

The envoys wheedled.

“Too much?”

Levi pointed at the unconscious Henry and said coldly, “The Black Shadow General is on the verge ofdeath. Our commander-in-chief was killed. You better pray that the Black Shadow General makes it outalive. If he doesn’t, the Black Dragon army will have our revenge.”

The envoys were appalled by his words. “Fine, I accept your conditions.” One of the twenty-eightnations gave in. “Me too.”

One-by-one the envoys folded. Soon, all twenty-eight envoys agreed to pay the ransom.

They made the bank transfer immediately. After that, Levi kept his word and released the captives.

At a military base in the Southern Plains…

Levi told James everything in detail. “Commander-in-chief, the nation now knows of your demise on thebattlefield and observed ten minutes of silence. All envoys had paid the ransom. This incident has beenbrought to a close.”

“Yes.” James gently nodded. Levi continued, “The total compensation from the twenty-eight nationsstands at 8.9 trillion dollars. The money is currently in the bank account of the Black Dragon army.”“Say what?”

James balked at the insanely high figure.

In the past, the losers paid compensation directly to him, the victor. He had never concerned himselfwith the numbers.

He did not understand the concept of money.

After arriving in Cansington, he finally grasped the usefulness of money. Thus, he understood what 8.9trillion was worth.


Levi nodded and continued, “The twenty-eight nations have been bled dry. After this incident, theirnations incurred huge losses. It’s estimated that their economies will not recover to pre-war conditionsfor the next three years.”

James thought for a moment and instructed, “Notify the National Treasury and transfer 2 trillion to theFinance department. Transfer 1 trillion to my bank account, and use 1 trillion for the Black Dragonarmy’s military spending. Divide the rest among our men.”

James knew that each of his men had their own family.

The Black Dragon army guarded the border. They could only return to their hometowns after manyyears.

They were responsible for defending the border and exterminating their enemies. It would bedisheartening if they had to worry about their family’s livelihoods on top of everything.

590 million dollars divided among the one million soldiers truly was not much.

It was a token of his appreciation.

“I thank you on behalf of our men.” James looked at Levi and reminded him, “This money must get tothe hands of our hardworking men. I hope I won’t have to punish anyone for misappropriating thefunds.” “Definitely.” “Alright now, you’re dismissed.” “Understood.”

Levi turned to leave.

James visited the military hospital.

He assessed Henry’s condition and prescribed medicine for him. Then, he ordered his men to preparethe medicine. While they did that, he continued to treat Henry’s injuries with his silver needles.

Today was a dark day for Sol.

News of the demise of the Black Dragon, the God of War of Sol, had spread across the nation. TheGod of War had left the world.

However, he left behind an immortal legend.

Especially the final combat leading up to his death. He exterminated all twenty-eight elite mercenariesand even wiped out tens of thousands of the enemy’s army while being pursued the whole night. Hisheroism would go down in history and be forever remembered by all of Sol.

At the Callahans…

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