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Chapter 388

Chapter 388

At the military hospital of the Southern Plains… Henry was immediately wheeled into the operationroom.

James personally conducted a comprehensive examination on him.

His bones throughout his body were shattered. In addition to that, the tendons on his arms and legswere barely hanging on. He also suffered a heavy blow to his head and had a severe case of cerebralconcussion as well as serious cranial nerve damage. To make things worse, there was also a gunshotwound.

He was only alive because of James’ silver needle. Otherwise, he’d have been long dead.

His current prognosis was extremely grim. Even if James was a genius doctor, patching up his woundswould be no simple task.

At least that was all he had to deal with now…

Now that James was in a safe environment, he would be fully able to concentrate on treating



As long as he was still breathing, it was still possible to save his life.

“Prep for surgery!”

James began the operation by addressing Henry’s shattered bones.

As Henry’s injuries were grave, the operation took a long time. The operation lasted more than twentyhours. It began in the morning and was only completed by nighttime the next day.

Although the operation was complete, Henry was not out of the woods just yet. James would have tostay by Henry’s side to provide acupuncture treatment, inspect his body condition, and prescribemedicine for him for the next ten days

He walked out of the operation room.

Since the incident at Mt. Thunder Pass up to this point, he had been awake for two days so far. Havingto be constantly on high alert and in combat mode on Mt. Thunder, James was running on fumes. Aftercompleting the operation, he was exhausted. Many generals of the Southern Plains gathered outsidethe operation room. “General…” Upon seeing James, they saluted him. James lightly waved and saidweakly, “These are extraordinary times. Save the formalities for later.”

Levi said, “We’ve taken the enemy generals prisoner and brought them back here. Their respectivenations are now applying pressure to Sol, demanding that we release them.”

“Release them?”

James narrowed his eyebrows and scowled. “Not a chance in hell! In accordance with pastagreements, demand them to pay the ransom. By the way, increase the ransom tenfold.”

“News of the battle of Mt. Thunder Pass has spread throughout the world, and the internationalcommunity’s currently in a heated discussion. Will the enemy even agree to pay ten times theransom?”

“Just do as I say.” James sat on a chair in the corridor outside the operation room. He reflexivelyreached for his cigarettes but found nothing.

Levi promptly handed James a cigarette and lit it. He asked, “By the way, how’s the Black ShadowGeneral?” James leaned on the chair and took a deep breath, “He won’t die as long as I’m here. By theway, with all that commotion at Mt. Thunder Pass, did you not receive any word from the higher-ups?”

Levi shook his head, “Nope.”


James nodded and said, “That’s good then. Just do as I say and demand ten times the usual amount ofransom. Hand the original sum over to the National Treasury and transfer the rest to my bank account.I’m tired now. I’m going to rest for a bit. Watch Henry’s condition closely. Wake me up if anythinghappens.” Levi nodded, “Understood.” James stood up and headed toward the military hospital’slounge. He stopped after walking a few steps and looked back, “Buy me a new phone too and get me anew SIM card while you’re at it.”

He turned to leave after he said that.

He was dead tired. All he wanted now was rest. As Henry was still in an unstable condition, the nextten days would be critical. James would have to perform acupuncture treatment on Henry regularly tokeep him alive. Then, he’d have to prescribe medicine and use them to accelerate the repair of hisshattered bones and restore the normal functions of his organs.

News of the battle of Mt. Thunder Pass in the Southern Plains had spread throughout the world.

The internet was full of posts about the battle.

“‘The Black Dragon fought the twenty-eight fighters of the twenty-eight nation Alliance at Mt. ThunderPass in the Southern Plains!”

“The twenty-eight fighters met their doom at Mt. Thunder Pass!” “The twenty-eight nation Alliancemobilized a hundred-thousand-strong army and pursued

the Black Dragon at Mt. Thunder Pass!” “They fought for a whole night. Breaking through theencirclement of the hundred-thousand strong army, the Black Dragon made his way into the enemy’scentral command and took all the enemy’s generals prisoner!”

“The Black Dragon of the Southern Plains is the sole guardian of Sol!” “Though the Black Dragon’s nolonger a general, he’ll always be the God of War of Sol and the hero in my heart!”

Posts covering the battle emerged in an endless stream. Meanwhile, at the Callahans… Thearemained home for the past two days. novelbin

She was very concerned about all things regarding the Black Dragon. She had been to military forumsbut found nothing but rumors. No one had real-life footage of the battle. As such, she began to doubtthat the battle had taken place.

“Why would he return to the Southern Plains?” “David?”

Thea turned to look at David.

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