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Chapter 3841

Yekaterina frowned and fell into thought. After a while, she said, “I’ve heard my father mention herbefore.”

Kallinikos’ curiosity was piqued and he turned to Yekaterina. “Oh?”

Yekaterina said, “My father used to be the Tenth Universe’s former Lord. When the Tenth Universe wasborn, the First Universe also interfered and constantly oppressed the Tenth Universe. My fatherperished because of their tyranny.

“Yukia was also mentioned in some messages left by my father.”novelbin

James asked, “What did he say?”

Yekaterina replied. “In his messages, Yukia was described as a mysterious senior who was in pursuit ofthe truth. She seemed to be trying to find out the essence and origin of Paths.”

She attempted to explain but only had very little information about Yukia.

Sienna sat aside without saying a word.

James looked at her and asked, “You’re a Lord in the Dark World and have resided there for a longtime. How much do you know about the Dark Strife in the past?”

Sienna said, “Which one are you asking about? Forces in the Dark World are intricate and it’s commonfor battles to break out between powerful Lords.”

“If we consider the time it happened, the Dark Strife should’ve taken place before the Ninth Universewas formed. I only know when Yukia participated in the Dark Strife, and she severely injured threehundred Nine Stage Lords.”

Sienna thought for a while and said, “Oh, that one? I’ve indeed heard about it. However, that topicseems to be taboo in the Dark World and is rarely talked about, even now. Only a few ancient andinfluential forces still have records about it.”

“Oh!” Sienna suddenly recalled something.

“Xerxes’s ancestors were seemingly involved in the Dark Strife. What if I brought you to the Dark Worldto see her?”

James nodded and said, “Good idea. We’ll go see her when there is a chance.”

James wanted to know everything about Yukia. However, he could not leave for the Dark World now.

The Macrocosm Ancestral Gods spoke at length about her, but none of them really knew much aboutYukia. After chatting for a while, Kallinikos changed the topic and asked about the plans to merge theuniverses in the future.

“What do you think about the merging of our universes, James?”

“The Omnipotent Lord wants to merge the twelve universes and become the resulting universe’s lord.Now that he hasn’t completely secured the position, he will naturally postpone the union. If no onesteps up to take charge of it, it’s not going to proceed smoothly,” responded James.

Yekaterina asked, “Will you step up to oversee the fusion?”

The Eighth Universe and Eleventh Universe were waiting for James’ decision and would defer to hisopinions. If James stepped forward to preside over the matter, then the union would continue. If herefused, then it might not proceed.

James slightly waved his hand and said, “The Twelfth Universe is now enjoying an age of prosperity. Inconsideration of the Twelfth Universe’s denizens, I don’t plan to take the reins for now. I’ll go to theOmnipotent Lord to discuss this matter further before making a decision.”

Yekaterina said, “Regardless of whether our universes merge, the probability of you becoming the newuniverse’s lord is very high. I’m hoping you will take into consideration inhabitants from other universesas well.”

James nodded and replied, “Of course.”

Then, James continued. “I must consult the Omnipotent Lord right away to hear his opinion. If hedoesn’t agree to proceed with the merger, then this matter will be postponed for now and I’ll go to theDark World to learn more about Yukia.”

Everyone else nodded in approval.

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