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Chapter 3703

He never thought that the First Universe would band together just to get rid of him. Their actions,however, were within expectation. After all, James had defeated Yermolai and seized his ChaoticTreasure. There was no way Yermolai would simply give up. Meanwhile, knowing that he had nochance of defeating James alone, Yermolai banded together with the geniuses of the First Universe.

“Damn it!”

James’ expression was grim.

“If anything happens to Henrik, I’ll annihilate all the living beings of the First Universe!”

With a murderous rage, James headed to the Juda Realm.

The Juda Realm was a huge world in the universe and had three planes of existence. It was createdabout 50,000 years ago. Upon its creation, it was immediately occupied by the powerful figures of theFirst Universe. Domineering and assertive, the First Universe prohibited any living being from otheruniverses from entering. Those who insisted would be struck dead on the spot.novelbin

News of James exiting his closed-door meditation caused a commotion because news of whathappened 50,000 years ago had long spread throughout the universe. Every living being of theuniverse knew that the powerful figures of the First Universe had banded together and captured James’friend to force his hand. There were rumors that the First Universe decided not to go after Jamesbecause they were afraid of him. They wanted to choose their own battlefield, hence the Juda Realm.

“James is on his way.”

“He’s on his way to the Juda Realm upon learning that his friend Henrik was captured.”

“Let’s get the popcorn ready.”

“The dynamics that have remained static for tens of thousands of years are about to be broken.”

Upon hearing of the news, many powerful figures hurriedly rushed over to the Juda Realm. That wasbecause they knew there would be a consequential battle there.

Though James had no idea where the Juda Realm was, he could easily sense a world with threeplanes of existence at his rank. Soon, he arrived outside the Juda Realm.

The Juda Realm was a world with three planes of existence. It was huge and spacious.

James appeared outside the Juda Realm and watched the Divine Dimension of the Juda Realm. Underhis watchful gaze, he realized that the Juda Realm’s Divine Dimension was full of Superformations.Once he entered the formations, he would be trapped. He also saw Henrik lying at the peak of amountain on a spiritual mountain. His life was hanging by a thread. Moreover, there were a few figuressitting in a lotus position and in a closed-door meditation. Their auras were strong, and they were all atthe Terra Ancestral God Rank. One of them was even at the peak of the Terra Ancestral God Rank andonly a step away from becoming a Caelum Ancestral God.

Upon sensing their cultivation bases, James furrowed his eyebrows. If this was a one versus one, hewas not afraid of anyone. Now, however, there was a group of individuals who were ready to gang upon him. Even though he had reached the peak of the Quasi Ancestral God Rank, he was worried.Regardless, he knew he had no choice but to save Henrik.

As James appeared, many living beings also appeared in the surroundings of the Juda Realm.

“You have to be careful, James. For you, they have prepared for many years and set up manySuperformations inside. The moment you enter, the chances of you leaving is unknown.”

“Indeed, Thoth Digby, the number-five individual on the Soaring Dragon Ranking, is the one who set upthe Formations. He cultivates the unique Formation Path. I heard that he has engraved many KillingFormations in his body and possesses immense power.”

Many living beings cautioned James.

James looked at them and said, “Thank you for the advice. However, my friend is in the Juda Realm,and his life is hanging by a thread. If I don’t go, he will be in danger. No matter the perils, I have nochoice but to enter,” James said with firm determination.

Then, he strode forward and entered the Juda Realm.

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