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Chapter 3415

They merely looked similar from behind. Ever since she began remembering, she was sure that thefigure in her dreams was not James. After all, she had lived for many Epochs. Meanwhile, James hadnot even been born yet. So, how could it possibly be him?

However, James said with a serious look on his face, “We have. We have met before.”

Thea looked at him and asked, “How did we meet?”

James smiled and said, “If I say I met a person who came into being from the threads of your soul andthat I came from the distant future in search of you, would you believe me?”

James asked jokingly. Since he was unsure whether Thea would accept such a possibility, he triedtesting her reaction first.

Thea shook her head in disbelief. If James said that he had met a person that came into being from athread of her soul, who was the figure in the deepest parts of her memory? Even so, she was intrigued.She asked, “What do you mean?”

James said, “A thread of your soul reincarnated into a person who’s also called TheaCallahan.novelebook.com I guess that person is also you.”novelbin

He scratched his head. Strictly speaking, the Thea from the future was the same person as the Theabefore him. The two shared a similar soul. However, are they really one and the same? James couldnot figure this out. If they are, one could argue that they have no common memory. If they aren’t, onecould argue that they share the same soul.

Confounded, James smiled and said, “Hilarious, no? I came from the future just to find the original formof a thread of a soul.”

Thea, however, ruminated over James’ words. Could it be that a thread of her soul would experiencereincarnation in the future? Would the reincarnated her be related to James in some way? If whatJames said was true, was he related to the figure in the deepest parts of her memory? This was simplytoo complicated. Even Thea who had mastered various Paths could not understand this.

“Why would a thread of my soul undergo reincarnation?” she asked.

James answered her truthfully.

However, Thea could only see his lips moving. No sound could be heard.

She furrowed her eyebrows and asked, “Wh-What are you trying to say?”

Upon seeing her confused look, James understood what was happening. The matters he was speakingabout were significant and could not be communicated using speech. His mind stirred, and a pen and apiece of paper appeared in his hand. Then, he wrote what he intended to say on the paper.

However, when the pen came into contact with the paper, the words underwent weird changes andbecame a character that even James could not understand.

“What is this?”

Thea looked at the characters James had written on the paper with a visible look of confusion on herface. novelebook.com These characters were bizarre. Even a Caelum Ancestral God like her hadnever seen such a thing before.

James was confused as well.

“This isn’t what I wrote. What’s going on?”

He stared at the characters on the paper. These squiggly characters had no rules or form, not tomention ever-changing. In an instant, there were seemingly thousands upon thousands of changes.

Thea glanced at James.

‘What a freak. I can’t understand the script, but I can sense the mysteriousness of the characters,’ shemurmured in her heart.

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