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Chapter 3121

Wearing a grim expression, Tamuuz said, “Something’s not quite right. Why can’t I contact Benedict?Did something happen?”

“No way,” Jadranka said, “Benedict’s extremely powerful. There’s no way something could havehappened. He must be worried that he might be exposed, considering that many powerful figures aregathered in the Pavilion now. That’s why he chose not to respond.”

Tamuuz said grimly, “Not just Benedict, I can’t contact even a single spy that the Sanctuary has plantedin the Pavilion. If I’m not mistaken, the Pavilion must have located the spies that have infiltrated theirranks and subdued them.”

“What should we do then?” Jadranka asked, “Should we continue with our plan? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Silvester and Helvius are injured, and the strength of the Pavilion has beenseverely diminished. If we miss this opportunity, we might find it impossible to annihilate them in thefuture.”

Tamuuz fell into deep thought. After some time, he said, “Let’s not rush things. We should wait patientlyfor now. Since we have gone all out, I don’t want any unexpected accidents to happen.”

“Understood.” Jadranka nodded and shut her mouth.novelbin

Sensing something was amiss, Tamuuz did not act recklessly but instead observed the situation fromthe shadows.

Meanwhile, James and the others waited patiently for a few days. Though the Elixir Gathering hadended, the Sanctuary did not make a move. After the Elixir Gathering ended, the discipleshipexamination was organized on time.

At the same time, in the holy site at the back of Sky City, James, and the others were wearing grimexpressions.

James said, “Though many days have passed, the Sanctuary did not make any move. They must havesensed something was amiss.”

Helvius said, “Of course they have. We have imprisoned all the spies that infiltrated our ranks. Beforethe operation, they would surely reach out to them. Now that their communication is cut off, they musthave sensed that something was amiss. Thus, they will not act recklessly.”

Dismayed, Nuub said, “What should we do then? I was planning to see how powerful I am now byfighting against the Sanctuary.”

James gently tapped the surface of the table with his finger.

After some time, he stopped abruptly.

“Our only way is to ask Benedict and the others to send them a message. That’s the only way theSanctuary will make a move.”

Hearing this, Silvester’s expression was grim as he said, “It would be nigh impossible to make thembetray the Sanctuary.”

James said nonchalantly, “Not necessarily. They sided with the Sanctuary because they have theireyes on Curse Magic.”

Then, he stood up and said, “I’ll be heading to the dungeon to meet Benedict and the others. Followalong, Nuub.”

“Yes, James.”

Nuub stood up as well.

James did not linger for long and stood up to leave. Before long, he arrived at an empty plot of land.Silvester who was a distance away raised his hand, and mysterious sigils emerged in his palm andentered the plot of land before James. The earth cracked, and an underground passage appeared.

James entered the underground passage and headed into the depths. Approximately ten minutes later,he arrived at the dungeon where many powerful figures were imprisoned. These were all coremembers of the Pavilion who sided with the Sanctuary.

James arrived at the dungeon Benedict was in and walked in.

Since Benedict was injured and his cultivation base had been sealed away, he could not catalyze hisstrength to heal his injuries. He was lying on the ground, his life hanging by a thread. Upon sensingJames’ presence, he crawled up with great difficulty and sat on the ground.

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