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Chapter 2560

Chapter 2560

After confirming the truth from a variety of sources, the Empress acknowledged that James had indeedsaved Sangria’s remaining soldiers and temporarily averted their crisis by preventing Korinth’s attackon their country.

It was common courtesy in Sangria to repay the kindness shown to them.

Since James had saved their country, they wanted to show their gratitude.

However, the Empress did not want James to remain in Sangria for an extended period of timebecause she was afraid he would find himself in a dangerous situation or die abruptly because of thecurse.

The Empress did not want something bad to happen to James.

James was immediately intrigued after hearing the Empress bring up the topic of the curse.

He could not contain his curiosity and asked, “Your Majesty, what kind of place is Sangria? Why has acurse that prevents men from living here for an extended period been put on the country?” TheEmpress doubtfully shook her head and said, “I don’t know too much about the specifics.

It’s something that happened a long time ago.

The truth of many of these things has been lost to time.” “Something that happened a long time ago?”asked James.

The Empress shook her head again and said, “I don’t really remember clearly.

Our country had been destroyed multiple times in the past, and many important records have been lost.

Whatever records that remain were left behind by our country’s powerhouse.

However, there isn’t much recorded about the curse.

The ancient records only state that the curse is related to a battle that happened in ancient times.” TheEmpress fell into thought, racking her brain for information.

After briefly thinking about it, she said, ‘The planet we’re on right now is called Planet Galileo, namedafter a peerless powerhouse, Sir Galileo.

For unknown reasons, he disappeared, and this planet was sealed off.

Living beings on our planets aren’t able to leave and foreign beings aren’t able to enter our planet.” TheEmpress explained their planet’s history.

However, since these events were from ancient times and happened long before the current day, therewas not much she knew.

“Our country is situated at the very center of Planet Galileo.

It’s where the seal is also located.

That seal the reason there’s a curse on men in our country.” James listened attentively.

After hearing her stories, his mind began to wander.

‘Sir Galileo? What kind of person is he?’ James asked Sophie who was in the Celestial Abode.

Sophie was well-informed and knew about almost every famous and powerful creature in the universe.

However, James did not get Sophie’s response after calling for her a few times.

He had no choice but to ask Nova, who was also within the Celestial Abode.

“Nova, do you know about a powerhouse named Sir Galileo that existed in ancient times?” Novareplied, “Never heard of him.

I’ve traveled the universe with Emperor Jabari and have heard of almost every famous and powerfulliving being.

However, I’ve never heard of anyone named Sir Galileo before.

‘There are only two possibilities.

“One, is that this Sir Galileo isn’t a well-known powerhouse.

‘The alternative is that he isn’t from the Primordial Age, but instead from the Ancient Heavenly CourtAge or the Primeval Age.” Hearing this, James looked at the Empress standing beside him.

The Empress did not disturb James seeing that he was deep in thought.

James pointed to a chair beside him and said with a smile,” Please don’t hold back on my account.

Let’s talk while seated.” Hearing this, the Empress could not help but return his smile.

Her two shallow dimples appeared when her slender lips curved, giving her a very charming and sweetappearance.

She was the Empress of the country, yet an outsider was telling her to act freely.novelbin

The Empressed turned to one of her attendants.

The attendant immediately walked over, took out a piece of cloth, and set it on the chair for theEmpress to sit.

James asked, “Your Majesty, which age was the Sir Galileo you mentioned just now from? Is he fromthe Primordial Age, Ancient Heavenly Court Age, or the Primeval Age?” The Empress looked at himpuzzledly.

The time periods James mentioned were unfamiliar to her.

She asked, “What do you mean? What is the Primordial Age, Ancient Heavenly Court Age, andPrimeval Age?” This time, James was the one baffled by her question.

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