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The Almighty Dragon General By Crazy Chapter 2500

Chapter 2500

Primordial Energy was an energy of the highest level.

Around them were undulating mountain ranges, and before them was a grand and magnificent buildingthat shone with a golden luster. It rose high into the clouds.

Henrik scanned his surroundings and smiled, “James, this is the headquarters of the DivineDimension’s Labhranns. The Labhranns are held in high regard in the Divine Dimension and are aninfluential family.”

“Mhm.” James nodded and said, “As expected of the Divine Dimension, the Primordial Energy here isextremely concentrated. Even the Primordial Pulse in the holy site of the Mortal Dimension’s Labhrannsis incomparable to the Primordial Energy here.”

“I agree. Well, this is the Divine Dimension, after all.”

The three happily chit-chatted away.

After arriving at the Divine Dimension, they noticed the appearance of more and more living beings ofthe

Divine Dimension.

Under normal circumstances, only cultivators who had reached the Divine Rank could ascend to theDivine Dimension. However, some living beings with weaker cultivation bases were born here. As such,not all living beings here were at the Divine Rank.

Soon, Txomin, the Patriarch of the Labhranns, opened a passageway and warned, “This passagewayleads to a location near the Great Dividing Range. Feel free to go if you’re confident in your strength. If

you’re afraid of dying. I won’t force you to go.”

The temptation of becoming the son-in-law of the Labhranns was simply too enticing, and it wasenough to make countless people risk their lives. Soon, living beings started entering the passage, andamong them was Lucifer.

Seeing that these living beings had a death wish, James could not help but shake his head and sigh.

Meanwhile, Brielle, who was at the forefront, was dismayed upon seeing James’ reluctance to go.

Thousands upon thousands of living beings headed toward the Great Dividing Range. Meanwhile,those who decided against going were provided accommodation by the Labhranns

As the Labhranns were one of the greatest clans in the Divine Dimension, they had plenty of emptyspaces to house everyone. Although James’ rank was insignificant, he was nonetheless warmlywelcomed by the hosts.

He was arranged to stay in a secluded manor that was surrounded by some magical fruit trees. Theybore berries that could not be found in the Mortal and Sage Dimensions. However, James did not darepluck


James stayed in the manor.

That night, as James was fast asleep, a figure entered his room surreptitiously. James woke up,yawned, and got up. However, at that moment, he noticed the person standing beside his bed.novelbin


It frightened him, and his heartbeat accelerated.

After a few seconds, he recollected himself.


The man before him was none other than the Labhranns’ Patriarch.

Immediately, he greeted him respectfully and asked, “You frightened me, Patriarch of the Labhranns. Issomething the matter?”

Faced with a cultivator at the same rank as Sophie, James acted respectfully.

Today’s Bonus Offer


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