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Chapter 2244

Chapter 2244

The next day, there was a knock on the door just before dawn.

James stopped cultivating and went to open the door.

An Ancient Clan disciple stood outside the door. With a respectful look, he said, “Sir, the competition forthe right to enter the Pagoda of Flames begins today. The Young Lady has instructed me to bring youto Mount Trinvard.”

“Alright, thank you.” James walked out of his room.

As he stepped outside, Yoan also walked out of his room.

“Sir.” James greeted Yoan.

Then, the Ancient Clan disciple led the two out of the village toward a mountain.

Mount Trinvard was the highest mountain within the Ancient Clan. It was also the residence. of theAncient Clan’s leader. Under normal circumstances, the clan’s disciples were forbidden to ascend themountain.

Today was an exception as it was an important event for the clan that took place every half a century.

The disciples have trained for many years to prepare for this day and to win the chance into thePagoda of Flames to become the main disciples of the clan.

When James and Yoan reached Mount Trinvard, many people had already gathered inside at battlearena on the mountain’s peak. A majority of them were young people and powerhouses from oldergenerations.

James spotted Quintina.novelbin

At that moment, she was standing amongst some elderlies, seemingly discussing something.

Quintina was standing together with Thoryn. She whispered to him, “Elder Thoryn, the Divinity Sect ishere. The Infernal Emperor has also brought his disciples. To add to that, Emperor Tamerlan has alsoarrived.”

Her brows furrowed together as she continued speaking, “Since the Grand Tournament is happeningsoon, everyone has brought their disciples here, knowing that our clan’s Pagoda of Flames will beopen. Everyone’s scrambling to enter the Pagoda of Flames and reach a higher rank before the GrandTournament.”

“Since they’re here, let them be.”

Thoryn was unbothered by their presence.

But there are quite a few of them this time. Most of them are very promising contenders of the GrandTournament and will likely come out in the top ten. With them here, our clan’s disciples will have alower chance of entering the Pagoda of Flames.”

Thoryn replied, “What else can we do about it? We can’t possibly turn them all away. Our clan. hasalways been discreet and maintained decent relationships with outside forces. Although we’re notafraid of others, we also don’t necessarily want to antagonize them. As long as you make it into thePagoda of Flames, the rest doesn’t really matter.”


Quintina did not say anything more.

“Haha! Long time no see, Thoryn! I see you’re still doing well!”

At that moment, a laugh resounded.

Suddenly, a figure at the mountain’s foot rushed toward him. As his voice boomed, he appeared in frontof the arena on Mount Trinvard at the speed of light.

It was a middle-aged man, about 40 years old. He was a chiselled man dressed in an extravagant robe.He had a round face, thick eyebrows, and big eyes and seemed slightly rowdy.

A young man wearing a golden robe followed in his tracks.

“He’s here too?”

Seeing the two people that just showed up, Yoan’s brows immediately furrowed together.

Beside him, James inquired, “Who’re they, Sir?”

Yoan replied, “The middle-aged man is the Divinity Sect’s leader, the Divine Holy Emperor. He’s one ofthe strongest people in the Ancient Realm. The young man in the golden robe beside him is the DivinitySect’s newly recruited disciple. He’s a Grand Supernatural with no known information about hisbackground. I only know that he’s pretty young. He’s probably about forty years old this year. Despitehis relatively young age, he’s already at the Immortal. Ascension’s Seventh Stair.”

“He’s that strong?” James took a deep breath.

With a solemn look, Yoan said, “I wasn’t expecting the Divine Holy Emperor to bring his disciple heretoday.”

Thoryn looked at the Divine Holy Emperor who had appeared before him. He stroked his beard andgreeted the other man merrily, “How have you been, Divine Holy Emperor?”

The Divine Holy Emperor replied smilingly, “You won’t fault me for coming here uninvited, right, ElderThoryn?”

“Of course not. Anyone that comes today is a guest of ours. You’re of course welcome to come here.”

Thoryn replied with a smile, but he cursed the Divine Holy Emperor’s ancestors in his heart.

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