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Chapter 2113

Chapter 2113

The process was rather complicated.

“James, since you have completely mastered the method of cultivating Sacrilegiousnovelbin

Ascension, you should carve out someplace to store True Energy inside your acupuncture points.’

“Mhm.” James nodded.

Sitting in a lotus position on the ground, he observed the insides of his body and catalyzed TrueEnergy, transporting them to an acupuncture point. Then, he carved out someplace inside theacupuncture point, where his True Energy was compressed into a tiny dot.

However, as True Energy was compressed to its limit, James lost control, causing True Energy toexplode.

He collapsed to the ground, and a part of his arm blew up.

Other cultivators would have been dead straight away, but not James. This was nothing to him. AsDemonic Energy circulated throughout his body, the injuries on his arm soon recovered. “Don’t rushthings, take it slowly. I know that it’s difficult in the beginning. Once you succeed in creating somespace, it’ll only get easier from there.”

Sophie offered him some words of encouragement.

James stood up with great difficulty and attempted once more. This time, he chose an acupuncturepoint at his abdomen.

He ushered True Energy into the acupuncture point and compressed it to its limit until it turned into asmall dot that contained terrifying power.

At that moment, an illusory space appeared inside the dot.

Sophie was watching James’ every action intently. At that moment, she instructed, “Steady now!Catalyze True Energy and move them into the space.”

James did as he was told. True Energy from all over his body entered his acupuncture point andfortified the space.

He succeeded.

Soon, a special space appeared in the acupuncture point at his abdomen. Although it was only the sizeof a fist, he could store a large amount of True Energy in it.

“Not bad! Now, on to the next,” Sophie praised him.

James took a deep breath and continued.

Sometimes, he would succeed. At times, he failed.

Each time he failed, his acupuncture point would be blown away, and he would suffer severe injuries.However, each time he was injured, his wounds would heal almost instantly.

“Hmm… This is the perfect body to cultivate Sacrilegious Ascension,” Sophie complimented him.James’ body was so unbelievable that even she was envious.

After failing a few times, James grew increasingly familiar with the process. However, he nonethelessproceeded with caution at certain key points.

As there were many acupuncture points inside a human’s body, James only needed to carve out somespace, which Sophie called the energy reservoir.

As long as he stored his True Energy inside the energy reservoir, not even the greatest of cultivatorswould be able to see through his strength.

The entire process took James three whole months.

Three months later…

James sat in a lotus position on the ground. He did not exude any aura.

Then, suddenly, all his energy reservoirs opened up, and the True Energy within gushed out andcirculated throughout his meridians.

“Good, the first step is done.”

Sophie’s voice came.

“Now, let us begin the second step, which is also the hardest.”

James took a deep breath.

Since he had already committed to this cultivation method, he would have to give it a try. Besides, oncecultivated, he would obtain enormous power.

The prospects were simply too alluring.

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