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Chapter 2084

Chapter 2084

Compared to James killing the Son of Heaven, Thea killing Tristen was a more shocking event. Theasmiled and greeted these people one by one.

“Alright, let’s go.”

James stood up and said, “After Tristen’s death, I’m sure the Outsiders won’t dare to do anything to theEarth’s humans. However, as time passes, more powerful Outsiders would appear on Earth. We’regoing to face a bigger crisis in the future. So everyone should go and practice hard. The Earth dependson all of you to protect it in the future.”

“Mhm, everyone should disperse now.”

Thea said, “I’ve been in seclusion for many years, and there are many things I still need to settle.”

After speaking, she pulled James and left.

Thea and James left Mount Bane under countless gazes.

James sat on a rock on a cliff out of Mount Bane’s range, and Thea stood beside him.


James talked about all the events that happened in the past few years, including Maxine kidnappingWinnie, him injuring Xain in Floret Palace with his signature martial art skill, him dying after explodingduring the wedding, and then the custodian reforming his body with the Demonic Lotus to resurrecthim.

Then, he told her about the Celestial Abode, which appeared after he was resurrected, and how heworked hard to obtain it.novelbin

In these years, James had experienced a lot, and he could not finish telling her all the stories even if hetalked for days. Thus, he only brought up the main events.

Thea listened with a touch of distress on her face. She reached out her hand to touch James’ blood-stained face and said sorrowfully, “Thank you for working so hard for the past few years. The Earthwould’ve fallen long ago if it weren’t for you.”

James grinned and said, “You’re the biggest hero this time. You killed Tristen and restored temporarypeace on Earth.”

“By the way, how’s Winnie?” asked Thea.

It had been more than five years since she had gone to the Chamber of Scriptures to purify herDemonic Energy.

Winnie was already six years old.

Speaking of Winnie, James had a guilty expression as he said, “In the past few years, I only managedto visit her a few times. As a father, I’ve failed her.”

Thea interrupted James and said, “I’m sure Winnie will come to understand, and in the future, she’lldefinitely be proud of you.”

James nodded gently and asked, “What are you planning to do next?”

Thea shook her head gently and said, “I don’t know. I’m still clueless about the current

situation on Earth. But, for me, Winnie is my priority. I plan to accompany Winnie for a while if therearen’t any major events.”

James nodded and said, “Mhm. I think you should cultivate in the Celestial Abode. There’s a TimeChamber in there and also countless divine objects. If you cultivate in the Celestial Abode, you shouldbe able to improve very quickly.”

“We’ll talk about it after I spend some time with Winnie.”

At the moment, Thea only wanted to see Winnie. She did not care about anything else.

James nodded and said, “Alright. I’ll accompany you to Lothian.”

Thea shook her head and said, “I can go myself. There are many things that you need to settle.Besides Wrymstead’s affairs, Mount Bane’s situation is pretty dire. Many Outsiders roam the area, andyou’ll need to figure out how to deal or negotiate with them.”

The two chatted on the mountain for a while.

After their discussion, Thea headed to Lothian to see Winnie and bring her to Cansington.

She wanted to stay with her family in Cansington.

As for James, he went to deal with other matters.

James agreed with Thea’s arrangements.

He had been in seclusion for a long time and did not know how Wrymstead was doing. Wrymstead washis country, which he carefully established. In the future, it would be humanity’s safehold. Thus, he hadto pay much more attention to its development.

His plan was to return to Wyrmstead for now. Then, he had to discuss with the Omniscient Deity andLangston their following steps.

Moreover, there were only a few more years until the seal opened.

According to the timeline, there were only four more years left. When the seal opened, it would beEarth’s doomsday.

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