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Chapter 2011

Chapter 2011

“What could it be?”

James was standing in mid-air while staring at the mountain range below, which disintegrated andformed a deep chasm.

The commotion here immediately attracted the Overworld Outsiders’ attention. In under a minute, theyarrived at the scene. However, when they saw James, they decided against revealing themselves andinstead observed from afar.


A golden light emerged from within the chasm and soared to the sky.

James could sense powerful energy. Then, the ground shook and the earth rumbled.

Soon, a building around the size of a thousand square meters emerged from within the chasm. Jamescould not see what was inside as it radiated a blinding golden light.

“A building?”

James was dumbfounded. He thought something impressive would appear.

“This isn’t an ordinary building,” Xandra beside him said. “I sense that it is no ordinary structure.”

At that moment, a few figures appeared in the distance. Their speed was extraordinary, and theyappeared above the building in the blink of an eye. The leader was a man around twenty-five years old.He was wearing a white robe and had long black hair, exuding a charismatic aura. Beside him wasLeandro Xamir.

James immediately knew he was the Son of Heaven, the greatest of all from the Overworld.

“A Celestial Abode?” Upon seeing the building, the Son of Heaven was delighted.

“Congratulations, Master,” Leandro said with a smile. “I never expected there would be a CelestialAbode hidden deep beneath this mountain. It must be left behind by the Primordials, and there must beinheritances that remain. This is a great opportunity for you.”

“This Celestial Abode is mine.”

The Son of Heaven licked his lips.

Many others approached the area-Xain, Samarth, Wynter, and even Yandel who had been gravelyinjured a few days ago. Apart from them, there were many whom James did not recognize. Eventhough they were comparatively weaker than Samarth and the others, they were still leagues above theearthlings.

Upon seeing them, James’ expression turned grim.

He hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Everyone, as per our agreement, the first to discover theobjects on Mount Bane shall keep them. Since I’ve been here waiting for the past few days, this shouldtheoretically be mine.”

Hearing this, the Son of Heaven glanced at James.

Leandro whispered behind him, “Master, he’s James.”

“Mhm.” The Son of Heaven nodded slightly and walked toward James.

James took a few steps back.

The Son of Heaven looked at James and beckoned, “Since you were the first to discover this building,it’s all yours now.”

Upon hearing this, James froze.novelbin

Why would he simply give away such a precious treasure to him?

After pausing momentarily, James descended from the sky and appeared before the building.

The Celestial Abode was a hundred meters in height. Even the main door was thirty meters tall. Theentire Celestial Abode was enveloped in a golden light, which prevented James from seeing what wasinside.

James could only see that mysterious patterns and characters were carved on the door.

As he walked over to the door and tried pushing it open, powerful energy came from within the buildingand sent him flying. He collapsed heavily to the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood.

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