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Chapter 1702

Chapter 1702

No one managed to catch a glimpse of what had happened.

Even figures such as Thomas and Sky could not understand what had happened. They could onlyvaguely see James slashing with his sword. Then, a sword light glimmered before slicing the SpiritMaster’s sword in half and the Spirit Master was sent flying.

The arena was dead silent.

Everyone held their breath as they looked at James who was standing before the rubble. At thatmoment, James’ sword had already returned to its sheath

In the distance, Jackson asked, “Delainey, did you manage to see James’ sword technique?”

Delainey shook her head and said, “I couldn’t see anything”

Stunned, Jackson said, “7 didn’t expect him to become this strong. The Spirit Master was a renownedfigure even two centuries ago. Back in those days, no one stood a chance against him. I neverexpected him to face defeat.”

On the battlefield….

The Spirit Master slowly crawled up from the rubble.

At that moment, his hair was disheveled, and there were blood traces on his lips. He was in a sorrystate.

He stood up and looked at James. Stunned, he asked, “What sword technique is this?”

James smiled faintly and said, “This is One.”

It was one of the Polaris Sword Art, an amalgamation of a thousand sword techniques. This bizarresword technique was different from the Fourteen Heavenly Swords. The only similarity they shared wasthat they were extremely terrifying

“One?” The Spirit Master froze. “What sword technique is this?”

James said, “It’s a sword technique I created.”

Upon hearing this, the Spirit Master smiled. “I concede defeat.”

Then, he turned to leave the battlefieldnovelbin

James stood in the middle of the battlefield and scanned his surroundings, asking. “Is there anyoneelse who wants to challenge me?”

Everyone fell silent. No one dared to step forward.

If even someone like the Spirit Master was defeated, how would they stand a chance against James?

Everyone looked at one another, but no one stepped forward.

Even Thomas did not move an inch. To him, information on the dragon’s whereabouts was the mostimportant. If James emerged victorious, he would obtain the information nonetheless. Besides, Jamesdemonstrated terrifying strength. Even if he entered the arena, he might not stand a chance againsthim.

“If there’s no one else, the dragon’s blood and information on the dragon’s whereabouts will go to me,”

James’ voice boomed.

Upon hearing this, everyone frowned.

Dragon blood would allow one to attain immortality, so they were reluctant to give up just like that.

However, James was too powerful. Challenging him could amount to certain death.

Time passed.

Soon, ten minutes passed. However, no one dared step forward.

James appeared before the First Blood Emperor and looked at him, saying. “Since there aren’t anyother challengers, can you hand over the dragon blood and information on the dragon’s whereabouts tome?”

“There’s no need to rush things,” The First Blood Emperor said. “Since no one else dares challengeyou, you’re now theoretically the most powerful individual in the world. However, you haven’t yet cometo blows with members of the Blood Race.”

“Oh?” James looked at him and asked, “Why? Do you plan to try your luck?”

“How would I dare to? The First Blood Emperor said smilingly, “I admit that I’m no match for you, so Iwon’t be the one challenging you. If you defeat the challenger, I will give you the dragon’s blood andinformation.”

Clacki Clack! Clack!

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