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Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237

When the Malevolent King was nearing death, he had a clear mind.

He did not want the evil sword technique he had spent a century developing to be lost. So, before hedied, he carved it on the stone wall and left his last words.

“Those who lack sufficient merit should not practice.”

Thomas could not help but sigh when he read that. He was in the eighth rank.

With his strength, he would still have been considered one of the top elites a thousand years ago, yethe could not practice the cultivation method and the evil sword technique that was documented on thestone wall.

“He was just another unfortunate man, trapped here for a century. On top of that, he had been driftingin and out of insanity throughout that time.”

Thea glanced at the texts and depiction on the stone wall absentmindedly. If even Thomas could notpractice it, she certainly would not be able to.

“Sir Caden, let’s find a way out as soon as possible. We don’t know how things are going out there orhow James is doing.” Thea was worried about the situation outside and about James. She could notwait to leave.

“There’s no rush.”

Thomas gave a slight wave of his hand and said, “James is very powerful now. He has already reachedthe seventh rank. The elites in the eighth rank outside are all injured. Their strength has significantly

dwindled. On top of that, there are troops dropping bombs randomly. Even if they survive, they have nochance against James.”

He was surprisingly unconcerned about James.

Thomas pointed to the writings on the stone wall and said, “The cultivation method documented on thestone wall is Ataraxia. The Malevolent King was always slipping in and out of madness, suffering fromthe turtle blood. To alleviate his pain and control the Beast Blood, he created this cultivation method. Ithink you can practice it.”

Thea was tainted with the turtle’s blood. Thomas was worried that her energy would deviate and shewould lapse into insanity like the Malevolent King. This cultivation method would benefit her.

“Sit in a lotus position,” Thomas instructed.


Thea sat cross–legged on the ground.

With his hands behind his back, Thomas stood in front of her and instructed, “You have to remembereverything that I say. You don’t need to cultivate it now as you currently lack the strength to do so. Justmemorize it and cultivate it in the future.”

“Yes, I understand.” Thea nodded.

Thomas began to impart to Thea what was written on the stone wall.

Thea listened intently. She soon knew it by heart.

She was a martial artist. She had cultivated Spiritual Art, and also Heavenly Breath, which was taughtto her by James.novelbin

When Thomas explained the cultivation method of Ataraxia to her, she immediately knew how tocirculate the energy. She wanted to give it a try.

Thea circulated her True Energy in accordance with the cultivation method. The moment she did that,the blood of the turtle began to seethe in her body. It surged through the meridians with a frighteningpresence.

Her body suddenly gave off a blood–red glow. The sudden crimson glow was apparent in this darkcavern.

“What are you doing?”

Thomas was getting lost in his thoughts as he stared at the stone wall. When he sensed a frighteningaura, his face changed in an instant and he said, “Stop now.”

At this point, Thea had slipped into a profoundly ethereal and mysterious state. She could not hearThomas at all.

Thomas hurriedly went over and touched Thea’s acupoint in an attempt to make her stop. However,when his fingertips touched her acupoint, he felt a powerful force emanating from her body. He wasknocked back a few meters.

His face was filled with astonishment. “Such a strong force.”

He found it hard to believe that the strength within Thea’s body was so powerful.

Thea was only at the third rank. He was at the eighth rank, just a step away from the Skyward Stairway.Even so, he was jolted backward just now.

He locked his gaze on Thea, watching her every move.

Thea’s entire body radiated with a crimson glow.


At this moment, with a painful expression on her face, she let out a scream.

Immediately afterward, veins were bulging on her face. Her black pupils turned blood–red in an instant.She stood up abruptly and grabbed the Malevolent Sword from the ground. Her crimson eyes werefixed on Thomas.

Her eyes were terrifying. Even Thomas could not help but take a few steps back.

Holding the Malevolent Sword, Thea raised her hands and swung, slashing sharply. Crimson SwordEnergy burst forth.

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