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Chapter 118

Chapter 118

Upon finding out that, in addition to The Great Four, underworld forces were also involved in thedestruction of the Cadens, James’ face darkened.

Henry immediately got to making arrangements.It was a simple matter as he was an individual of highstatus.

Not long after, arrangements had been made.

"James, I’ve arranged for us to meet Jake Graham at the People’s Repair Shop in the suburbs tonight."

"Got it." James nodded.

"James, we know that Jake Graham is involved in intelligence trading, and his prices areexorbitant.Should we bring some cash with us?"

James glanced at Henry and asked, "Henry, how long have you been working under me?"

Henry replied, "About eight years."

"Indeed, it has been eight years.You should know me.Would I need money to deal with the honcho of aturf?"

"You’re right."

James looked at the time-it was only seven o’clock.

Getting to the suburbs required an hour by car.

Tonight would be a long night.He took his phone out and called Thea.

"Thea, are you back? I’m busy with something, so I might be late tonight.I might not even go back."

How he spoke on the phone was completely different from how he had spoken earlier. Scarlett couldnot believe her eyes.

To think that the legendary Ares of the Southern Plains would have such a soft side to him, not tomention the smile he was wearing on his face.She pulled at Henry and signaled for them to go outside.

Henry nodded and walked to the door.

Outside, Scarlett asked, "Henry, who’s James on the phone with? He seems like a completely differentperson."


Henry sighed, "She’s perhaps the luckiest woman on earth."

"James’ beloved?"

"It’s better not to probe into his business."

"I’m asking you to avoid offending him in the future."

Upon ending his call with Thea, James walked out and saw the both of them whispering."

Ahem, what are you guys talking about? His cough sent shivers down Scarlett’s spine.

She panicked and immediately lowered her head.

Henry smiled and said, "Nothing much.Black Rose was merely curious about Thea.James glanced atScarlett.

Curtly, he replied, "There’s no Black Rose among us.There’s only Scarlett Brooks."

"Yes, James.My mistake."

James patted Henry’s shoulder and said with a smile, "Henry, you’re not young anymore.It’s time youconsider getting married.Do you have any preferences? I can introduce some women to you.Do youwant a mature-looking one or a youthful one? Sexy or pure and innocent?"


Henry blushed.

"W-We’ll talk about that in the future, James."

James put on a long face.

"You must be over thirty.We should get this done now that we’re still in Cansington.Although I’vehanded in my resignation letter, the higher-ups have yet to process it.Who knows? I might betransferred back to the Southern Plains if any upheavals arise.We have to make such decisions now."

"Yes, it is as you say.If I meet someone I like, I’ll chase after her."

"In your dreams." James slapped him across the head.

"A blockhead like you makes a good fighter.But chasing after women? No way.I’ll find you one once Ireturn."

Scarlett, who was standing at the side, felt uncomfortable listening to their conversation.She proceededto enter the building.

At the door of Common Clinic James and Henry were seated by a flight of stairs.

The two were smoking cigarettes while talking about women.

Amid their discussion, Henry felt awkward and hurriedly changed topics.novelbin

"James, what happened with the Cadens ten years ago isn’t that simple.Not just the Great Four, buteven the underworld forces were involved.Did they have to go to such lengths just to deal with theCadens?"


James looked at Henry and said, "What do you think?"

Henry contemplated for a bit before answering, "I’ve done my research on what happened ten yearsago.Trent Xavier was actually from the Capital instead of the Western army.He only went to theWestern border after the destruction of the Cadens.There’s no way The Great Four could be themastermind behind the incident.However, the true mastermind must be extremely influential.After all,they were capable of manipulating The Great Four and the underworld forces of Cansington.Jamesasked, eyes squinted, "How influential do you think he is?"

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