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Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

Many influential figures of the Capital were standing in front of their expensive cars, waiting for anopportunity to meet James.

A beautiful and curvy woman who radiated a brilliant atmosphere in her 20s walked over and greetedJames with a bright smile.

"We meet again, James."

It was none other than Yuna, the chairman of Longevity Pharmaceutical in Cansington.

After their company was forced to withdraw from Cansington, she returned to the Lawsons in Capital.

After finding out about James’ appointment as the new Emperor, she went out of her way and dressedup specifically to meet with him.

She put on her best business smile and acted as if she were good friends with James.

James glanced at Yuna and smirked.novelbin

"Yuna, right? I remember you.When Thea came to you for help, you deliberately the situation moredifficult for her and put the Callahans in a crisis."

Hearing this, Yuna’s smile immediately evaporated from her face.Her eyes went wide with shock andembarrassment.

She hurriedly tried to correct herself, "James, I can explain..."

"Who are you to address me by my personal name?"

James’ face darkened and his eyes hardened into steely flints.

Yuna promptly changed her words.


"I’ll deal with the Lawsons later.Personally."

James snorted as he walked away contemptuously.

Yuna grit her teeth.

Everything took a wrong turn.

Since they had known each other before, Yuna thought she could ingratiate herself with James.

The Lawsons would be set for success for the next few decades if they were able to befriend the newEmperor and Dragon King of the Southern Plains.She was not expecting James to still be holding agrudge against her about what happened in Cansington.

"Emperor, I have a good relationship with Thea.We're best friends who talk about everything..."

"Good relationship? If you've got a such good relationship, you wouldn’t have severed ties as soon as Igot in trouble."

"Emperor...Do you remember me?"

A handsome young man in his 20s went up to James and lowered his head courteously.

"You must be the owner of Gourmand in Cansington, Mr.Grayson.You’re a pretty good man," Jamesreplied.

Hearing James recall who he was Bryan’s face lit up with joy.

The other bigwigs present all looked at him enviously.

The Graysons were about to reap the fruits of Bryan’s efforts.

A chubby middle-aged man stood in the crowd.

He was the chairman of Celestial Group, Alex.

He wanted to cozy up to James since they had some history together.

However, he did not dare to step forward after witnessing what happened to Yuna.

Bryan said, "Sir, it’ll be my grandfather’s Soth birthday in a few days.Do you think you could sparesome time to drop by our place? I promise we won’t take much of your time.All we ask is that you prayvisit and give a word of blessing unto my father."Bryson looked at James eagerly, but at the same time,he was afraid James would turn him down harshly.

James replied with an amused smile, "With the way you were trying to talk to me, I thought you hadsomething important to ask.Sure, I’ll be there when the time comes."

All the other wealthy figures present were practically green with envy as they watched the amicableexchange.

The Graysons were really going to make it big this time.

With the Dragon King and the Emperor taking care of them, it would be almost impossible to make afortune.

"Dragon King! No, wait.Emperor! It’s me.It’s me, Matthew! We've met before!"

A young man walked over and tried to give James a warm greeting.It was the man that Tiara hadalmost got engaged to.

Maxine had interrupted their engagement ceremony and prevented them from getting engaged.

James looked at Matthew.

"Oh.It’s you.What's the matter?"

"The engagement between Tiara and I was an honest mistake.If I had known that she was yourwoman, I wouldn’t have ever considered marrying her.Fortunately, the situation has been averted.Icame here to specifically apologize for it."

While speaking, Matthew fell on his knees in a show of his remorse.

"Dragon King, I'd like to express my deepest apologies.From today onwards, I'll be your dog.Woof!Woof!"

James cringed and quickly urged him to stand up.

"You should be more conscientious about your image.I’m the Dragon King and the Emperor.If wordgets out about you kneeling and barking at me, the people of Sol misunderstand.Get up now."

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