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Chapter 108

Chapter 108

"It’s alright."

James explained, "This is just an example.The rich at the Southern Plains spend hundreds of millionslike it’s nothing.My boss is worth hundreds of billions."

"What about you? How much do you have?"

"Not much, just hundreds of millions."

James was careful not to divulge too much.

Thea was shocked.

"How is having hundreds of millions not much?"

Immediately, she yelled, "How could you do this, James? You seem honest most of the time, but you’vedone something so terrible.Do you only care about money?"

"Isn’t this normal? Mom has mentioned that Howard uses his position to pocket money as well.He’senjoyed so many benefits, including luxury cars and mansions.Grandfather closes one eye to hisantics.Look at dad, getting scolded by mom for being too honest." Thea considered it.

She supposed he could be right.

However, those were completely different matters.

Whatever Howard did, it was all in the family.

Whatever James did was illegal.

"Jamie, why don’t you return the money? It’s okay if we’re poor.All we have to do is work hard and we’llbe able to earn.If the higher-ups decide to pursue this, you’re dead.I don’t want to visit you in prison."James smiled.

"Thea, it’s not as serious as you think it is.I’ve been to the military court.My punishment is myexpulsion.I would never join the military again.I get to keep the money as my boss said some nicethings about me.Since I had been in service for ten years, this was my reward." James started makingup stories.

After his speeches, Thea finally started to accept it.She believed him.

If he were just a regular soldier, how could he borrow a car and enter and leave the military region ashe pleased? Now she knew.He was once an important person too, only expelled from the militarybecause of bribery.He did know some important people.

However, even though James had some money and was willing to spend it on a luxury car for her, shewas reluctant.

Since the general had acknowledged the money and gave it to James as a reward, Thea had otherplans.She was going to use it as capital for her business venture.She started to tell James her dreamsand hopes.

Suddenly, she said, "Oh, James, mom must never find out about this money.Otherwise, she’ll bebragging about it on the streets.She might even ask us to hand it over.This is our savings.Mom’s justlike grandfather, who cares about status and reputation above all else."

"So, where’s the car?"

Thea hit James on his head lightly.

"We’re not getting a car.Since the card is with me, I’ll keep it and decide what to buy.Oh, you can gohome now.I’ll go shopping on my own."

"Huh? Thea, how could you do this to me? I just told you I have some money, and now you’re chasingme away?"

"No, it might take a long time.I’m worried that you’ll be tired."

"Tired? When I was in the military, I endured worse.Furthermore, I’ll be with the woman I love.Howcould I be tired?"

Thea felt warm and fuzzy inside.

She hugged James’ waist tightly.

Soon, they arrived at a women’s boutique.

It was rather well-known in Cansington.

The clothes were expensive, ranging from thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands. Thea did notwant to get something so expensive, but James insisted.

Knowing she would not win the argument, she agreed.

The shop was decorated sumptuously.

Gorgeous dresses hung on rows of racks.

Thea’s eyes sparkled at the selection.She looked like a little girl, sifting through the dresses.

"Hey, don’t touch them.Would you be able to pay for damages?" An unhappy voice rang out.

Thea turned, noticing a salesperson decked out in a suit.He was looking at her unhappily.

She apologized at once.

"I-I’m sorry."

"Thea, what are you doing? We’re the customers.Customers are king.How could you apologize tohim?"

James looked unhappy.

Thea was too soft-hearted.

With her personality, she would always get taken advantage of.novelbin

Thea tugged on James’ arm.

"Forget about it, Jamie.Let’s go somewhere else.It’s too expensive here anyway.Each piece coststhousands of dollars."

She grabbed James, making a move.

Even though James told her he had money, she did not want to spend so much just on clothes.

"Poor folks.How dare you touch the clothes when you have no money?" The salesperson lookeddisdainful.

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