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Chapter 1032

Chapter 1032

Tiara looked at him with tears in her eyes and asked, "Is...Is that true?"


With pride written across his face, the man nodded and said, "With the power and influence of theHenderson family in the Capital, it’s quite simple to hire a few experts from another country.Don’t worry,your grandmother will be alright.It’s only minor surgery.It will be over in a few minutes once the expertsshow up."

"Th-Thank you."

As if she were clinging to her last shred of hope, Tiara kept expressing her gratitude.

"Many thanks, Mr.Henderson.We wouldn't know what to do if it weren't for you.Not only did you makethe necessary arrangements with the Healthstone Hospital, the best hospital in the Capital, but youalso got in touch with foreign experts."

"Tiara sure is lucky."

"After she marries into the Henderson family, she’ll be able to experience unimaginable wealth and highhonor."

"Matthew and Tiara are truly a match made in heaven."

The Youngblood family members present were all gushing over them.


Matthew grinned widely.

"You can be at ease.I'll definitely treat Tiara well.We'll get engaged after Grandma has recovered fromher operation."

Upon hearing that, Tiara furrowed her brows slightly.

A silhouette unavoidably appeared in her mind, but she immediately sighed in resignation.She knew itwas impossible for her to be with James.

James was the Dragon King.He was surrounded by so many talented and splendid women.

She was simply not the right fit for him.She had no intention of going back to Cansington to meet withJames after her return this time.

Besides, she was going to accept her family's arrangement and marry Matthew.

Meanwhile, James was hurriedly making his way here.

Shortly after, he arrived at the Healthstone Hospital.

After consulting the medical staff, he arrived at the ward where Tiara’s grandmother was currently at.

As he approached the entrance, he noticed a large crowd gathered there.

They numbered more than thirty people.He took a brief pause before walking over.

"Tiara," he said, looking at a young woman sitting on a chair in the corridor.

For several days, Tiara had not gotten any sleep.She lacked her usual charm and wit at the moment,and she appeared slightly thin and pallid.

Tiara raised her head to look when she heard a voice calling her name.

"Ja...James, why are you here?"

When she saw James, she immediately smiled and rushed to stand up.

James walked over and said, "I heard your grandmother was seriously ill, so I came specifically to seeif there's anything I can do to help."

James was also seen by Zigmund, who momentarily stopped.

Then, he approached and addressed him respectfully, "Dragon..."


James cut him off in time with a slight wave of his hand.

Upon hearing James greet him, Zigmund's expression slightly changed, and he quickly uttered,"Unacceptable.That is not acceptable."

James was the Dragon King and the War God of Sol.

Zigmund felt he had done nothing to merit this.

"Zigmund, who is this?"

As a woman approached, she unconsciously furrowed her brows at the sight of Tiara and Jamesappearing to be close.She was Tiara’s mother, Maya Clarke.

James rarely showed his face to the public.

The only time he had made an official appearance was at the national public trial, which not everyonein the country saw.novelbin

That was why Maya did not know of him.

Other members of the Youngblood family did not know him either.

Nevertheless, they assumed that he was most likely Tiara's suitor.

While on the phone with the foreign experts, Matthew noticed a stranger standing fairly close toTiara.He furrowed his brows, ended the call, and hurried over.

Pulling Tiara closer to him, he gave James a hostile look.

"Who are you, brat? What are you doing here?"

"I'm friends with Tiara.I came specifically to see if there is anything I can do to help after learning thather grandmother was in critical condition."

"Tiara? So you're on a first-name basis with her, huh?"

Matthew's expression turned solemn and he said coldly, "I’ve already gotten in touch with foreignexperts.By afternoon, they'll be in the Capital.You have no business being here.You shouldleave."Matthew's attitude irked James.

"Tiara, who's this?" he asked, casting a glance at her.

Tiara had kept her head down and remained silent.

Maya, her mother, stood up and gave him a conspicuous introduction, "This is Mr.Matthew Hendersonfrom the Henderson family.He’s my son-in-law.The Hendersons may be familiar to you.With assetsworth several hundred billion, they're a notable family in the Capital."

James could not help but glance back at Matthew after hearing that.

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