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Chapter 318

Chapter 318 Gregory threw a slight tantrum as he was reluctant to part with Tessa. Nicholas refused without giving it a second thought, “No.” “Bad Daddy!” Gregory decided to do it the hard way as he sensed being cute and adorable didn’t work. Unfortunately,Nicholas fell for neither trick, which left him extremely frustrated Tessa felt highly amused while watching the father and son engage in a battle of wits. She then coaxedGregory, “Be good, Gregory. When your daddy returns, he’ll come home bearing gifts from me to you.” Gregory reluctantly hung up the phone as he heard the wonderful news. Meanwhile, Tessa was feeling buoyant. “I thought Gregory would never forgive me again this time.”Finally, she sat on the sofa and shared her feelings with Nicholas. Nicholas pulled her into his lap and said with a smile, “How could he not forgive

you?” Besides their blood relation, they were pretty much inseparable. Gregory had liked her the first time hesaw her… This was all destined a long time ago. However, she was unaware of Nicholas’ thoughts. She sighed, then said with some sorrow, “I don’t knowwhen I will be able to see him again.” He couldn’t bear to see her looking sad, so he took her hand and assured her, “Believe me. The day willcome soon.” She stared at him for a few seconds, then smiled and nodded. The two snuggled and sat quietly in theliving room for a while. The white light cast a shadow on the two figures on the wall–one tall, one short. Itwas a cozy image, and even the air was full of sweetness. Later, she asked, “When are you planning to leave?” He lowered his head and laid a kiss on her brows before answering in a low voice, “I’m going backtomorrow.” “Tomorrow..” She didn’t expect it to be so soon, and she was a little reluctant to let him go. novelbin

When Nicholas noticed this, the corners of his lips curled up, then his demeanor changed, and he said,“Since we have time now, let’s talk.” “Talk about what?” She tilted her head up at him, a puzzled look on her face. “Let’s talk about how you should keep your distance from other men after I return home, and you’re notallowed to go out drinking with men alone. You’re also not allowed to…” Nicholas fixed his gaze on Tessa and made a lot of demands. Tessa was amused. “How could I possibly have so many men approaching me?” He was silent as he stared straight at her. “Okay, okay. I agree to all of your demands, you silly man,” she replied. She couldn’t withstand the lookhe was giving her, so she raised her hands in surrender. The next morning, Nicholas was about to rush to the airport after having breakfast. Tessa reluctantlyhelped Nicholas pack his clothes in the suitcase. “I’ve packed all the clothes for you. Take a look and seeif anything’s missing.” When he heard her disappointed voice, he walked over. “There is indeed one thing I forgot to bring withme.”“What is it?” “This—” As he spoke, he pulled a puzzled Tessa into his arms, then cupped the back of her head with one handwhile lowering his head and kissing her on the lips. This time, this kiss was completely different from theprevious ones. It contained intense passion, and it swept through every inch of her being. For a moment, she was dazed. Then, she instantly wrapped both arms around him. It wasn’t until theywere about to run out of oxygen that he let go of her, his breathing shallow, At this moment, Tessa’s lips were almost swollen from the kiss. She leaned weakly against Nicholas, her cheeks flushed and her vision blurry, making him want to continue. However, heused a lot of effort to restrain the urge that was gradually waking up in his body. He found that the self-control he prided himself on having was nothing in front of her.

The room was silent, and the sorrow of parting lingered in the air. Unfortunately, no matter how reluctantthe two of them were, it was almost time for him to board the plane. Before he rushed to the airport with his luggage, he gave her a final reminder. “Take care of yourself, andcall me if you encounter any problems.”

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