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Chapter 28

Chaptet 28 “Hmph! Look at yourself, foot. Who would want to marry you? You’re destined to be single forever!”Stefania sniggered with disgust. Kieran was helpless upon hearing that. “Come on! Do you have any idea how many people are dying tomarry me? You can’t ditch me like that, Mom. What am I to you? A disposable ‘rubber sheath’ that youhave just used for once and threw away?” While everyone laughed in amusement after hearing his hilarious reply, Roselle thoughtfully placed somedishes on Nicholas’ plate. “Nicholas, I remember this is your favorite dish. Please have more of it.” Although Stefania and Tobias had no comment about Roselle’s thoughtful action, Kieran couldn’t helpbut be scared for her. After all, he was aware of his brother’s mysophobia as Nicholas had alwayspreferred to enjoy his meals without sharing anyone else’s silverware. What is Roselle trying to prove bypicking up and placing dishes on Nicholas’ plate with her own fork and spoon? Oh dear, is this lady tryingto make herself look special? Soon, Kieran peeked at his older brother and realized that he had his eyes coldly fixed on the food withan unhappy frown. Nonetheless, Nicholas didn’t express his dissatisfaction but instead calmly expressedhis gratitude. “Thank you.” For the next few moments, Kieran continued to observe his brother and discovered that Nicholas nevertouched the dish that Roselle had just placed on his plate. Meanwhile, Roselle also noticed that as her face slightly paled. However, she wasn’t about to give up likethat, so she turned her attention to Gregory and grabbed a nice juicy shrimp for him. “You need to eatmore so that you can grow healthier, Greg.”

Nonetheless, as soon as the shrimp fell onto Gregory’s plate, he instantly furrowed his eyebrows indisgust. A few seconds later, Tessa quickly collected the shrimp and took it away from the boy’s plate, smilingwhile saying, “Miss Gingham, Greg is allergic to seafood, so he can’t eat this.” “O-Oh, really?” Roselle reacted with a bitter smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that…”

“It’s okay.” Stefania smiled in an unconcerned manner and shifted her gaze to Tessa. “I didn’t know thatyou were even aware of Greg’s allergy to seafood. You seem to know Greg well, Miss Reinhart.” “Well, President Sawyer told me about that.” Tessa silently lowered her head. In the meantime, those words sounded like jarring noises that annoyed Roselle when she heard them. Isthis lady trying to show off her relationship with Nicholas? Who is she to deserve Nicholas’ favor? In spite of her irritation and frustration, Roselle hid her feelings well, though. At the same time, Yana, who was also unhappy with Tessa, succumbed to her evil intentions. Then, sheambiguously said in a coy manner, “I understand that you’re thoughtful and close with Greg, MissReinhart, but if anyone who is unaware of the situation sees this, they might probably think that you knoweverything about Greg because you had been stalking him.” While Yana’s words might have sounded ordinary and innocent, they inevitably portrayed Tessa in a badlight to make her look like she had a hidden agenda by warming up to Gregory. As Stefania and Tobias furrowed their eyebrows upon hearing Yana’s words, Gregory sensibly interferedand explained Tessa’s innocence. “I was lost a few days ago until Miss Pretty Lady found me and tookme back to Dad. In return, Dad thanked her and treated her to a meal, which was when she found out about my allergy to seafood.” When Stefania and Tobias learned about the truth, they were both relieved to find out that Tessa was notlike who they thought she was. Then, she courteously looked at Tessa and said, “Speaking of this, that little boy never stops wanderingoff, but anyway, I guess I owe you my thanks for having taken Greg back to his father.” Tessa smiled in relief. “You’re welcome. I was just doing what I should.” While Nicholas silently shot a gaze at his son after witnessing how he defended Tessa, Gregory lookedback at his father and raised his eyebrows complacently, as if he was trying to boast his competence inprotecting Tessa. Nicholas smiled in response to his son’s behavior whereas Roselle completely lost her appetite since shefound it hard to continue enjoying her meal in front of Tessa. This woman is really grinding my gears! Unable to maintain the smile on her face any longer, she quickly came up with an excuse and walked

away. “Excuse me, I need to use the washroom, so please carry on with your meals without me. I’ll beright back shortly.” The moment she turned around, her rage and wickedness filled her eyes as it surged through her. At the same time, Yana saw Roselle’s reaction and followed her daughter to the washroom. “Who is this lady? Where the heck is she from?!” Roselle’s face twisted in anger. Noticing her daughter being grumpy, Yana couldn’t help but feel frustrated while trying to comfortRoselle. “She is but a violin teacher, nothing more than a nobody. In fact, I can tell that she is just anordinary lady whom we can easily get rid of. Just like crushing an ant!” “I want her gone then! She is such an eyesore to me!” Roselle slammed the basin with a sinister look onher beautiful face.novelbin

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