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Chapter 140

Chapter 140 “It’s just that I saw the scar on your back and felt like touching it to see how it felt. Don’t think any morethan that.” Upon hearing that, Tessa looked at him suspiciously. Judging from his righteous and dignifiedappearance, Nicholas doesn’t seem to be such a man. There’s no flaw in his speech, and he doesn’tlook guilty either. Perhaps, it was me who misunderstood him. But, what was he doing though, touching my scar? He’s acting strange indeed. With an impatient tone, Nicholas urged, “Do you still wish to apply the medicine? If you do, turn around.” As she could not think of a possible reason for Nicholas’ action earlier, Tessa was slightly dispirited.Since he has said so, I think Nicholas will be more mindful so as to not simply touch me again. Hesitantly, Tessa spun around and allowed Nicholas to continue tending to her wounds. Behind her, where Tessa could not see, Nicholas’ gaze turned deep as his deep eyes stared at the backof her head. Though Nicholas did test Tessa once or twice, it did not bring any substantial results at all. Instead, theanswers confused him even more.

Precisely five years ago, Nicholas clearly saw a butterfly-shaped tattoo on that woman, but she claimedthat she got the tattoo three or four years ago. Still, it was hard for Nicholas to ignore how similarly the scar was located and how it felt.So, is Tessa the woman stored in my memory? There were dozens of doubtful thoughts dancing around Nicholas’ heart, but there were no immediateanswers to be given to him at the moment. This gave him an unsettling feeling. Both parties had unsettling doubts buried in their hearts, yet none of them dared to utter a single word. Inthe silence of the bathroom, there was only the sound of Nicholas applying the medicine and tending toTessa’s wound. Soon enough, Tessa’s wound was painted with medicine. After getting dressed, the two returned to the ward together.

Gregory was getting a little impatient from all the waiting. Upon seeing both Nicholas and Tessa coming out from the bathroom, he rushed forward and clung onto Tessa’s leg. “Miss Tessa, whathappened to you earlier? Why were you gone for so long? Daddy too. Why did Daddy disappear for solong?” Flashing back to the scene where both of them were in the bathroom, Tessa blushed like a tomato asshe was not certain on how to answer Gregory’s question. She could only glance at Nicholas with someembarrassment. Meanwhile, Nicholas showed a meaningful smile and said calmly, “I was applying some medicine on yourMiss Tessa’s wound.” Hearing the word ‘medicine’, Gregory looked at Tessa worriedly. “Miss Tessa, are you still in pain? Doyou want me to give you a helping hand?” As he spoke, he climbed onto Tessa’s hospital bed, lay his head on her shoulders, and huffed softly. “I’m fine. Thank you, Sweetheart.” Once again, Tessa was struck by Gregory’s thoughtfulness and had forgotten about the embarrassingmoment earlier. After disturbing Tessa for a while, Gregory lay beside her and fell asleep. A knock on the door interrupted the moment. Edward walked in. “President Sawyer, this is the document meant to be reviewed and processed today.” Taking the document, Nicholas just nodded. “Anything else?” “Except Lionel, all the other kidnappers had spat out the truth and admitted their guilt. They said that theywere instructed by Lionel. They did it because they thought that since it involved the son of a rich family,the family of the kidnapped child wouldn’t publicize the issue so as to not disturb the stability of theirstock market and image of the company. More importantly, they thought the family would certainly notdare to contact the police at all. They also mentioned that although they kidnapped Young MasterGregory, they didn’t cause him any substantial harm. So, they’re hoping you will forgive them and let thisslide.” In an instant, Nicholas’ facial expression turned cold. “Tell them they can dream on.”

I really am not afraid that this incident would affect the Sawyer Group’s stock market. In my eyes, Greg’ssafety is far more important than anything else. And if these kidnappers dare to lay their hands on even asingle hair on Greg, I will never let them go. At once, Edward felt that the surrounding air in the room seemed to be condensed. He had worked forNicholas for so many years, so he naturally knew what was in Nicholas’ mind. This time, it’s veryfortunate that Young Master Gregory was not injured. Yeah, sure, these kidnappers tried to make it sound nicer than how it was. They did not harm YoungMaster Gregory? How about the psychological effect of the kidnapping inflicted on Young MasterGregory? If Tessa hadn’t arrived at the right moment, who could have imagined the level of harmfulimpact the bat could have brought to Young Master Gregory’s tiny body! Swallowing his saliva, Edward then added, “As for Lionel, Detective Lawrence said it’s inevitable that hewill subsequently face imprisonment as the evidence against him was solid.” Upon hearing that, Nicholas nodded. After explaining the company’s affairs, Edward left.novelbin

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