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Chapter 114

Chapter 114 Gregory held her hand and looked at her, feeling worried. “Miss Tessa.” Tessa calmed down and assured the boy, “I’m fine. I’m crying tears of joy.” She sniffled and took a penout of her bag, then she signed the agreements. Tessa then looked at Nicholas and said, “Release him. Idon’t want to get involved with them anymore. And thank you for this.” Nicholas nodded, then he called Edward. “Release Silas.” Silas came out of the detention center, and he saw his mother and daughter waiting for him outside. Sophia teared up the moment she saw him, and she went over to give him a hug. “You’re finally back,Dad. I miss you.” She started crying.

“Alright, alright. Calm down now. I’m out, right? It must have been hard on you,” Silas hugged her backand assured her gently. He was having mixed feelings about the situation. “This is not the place to talk. Let’s go home.” Amber looked at the center’s front door and frowned. Whatan unlucky place. After they got in the car, Patrick nodded at Silas. “Chairman.” “Thank you for helping out.” Silas sighed. Patrick didn’t want to take the credit, so he said honestly, “I have nothing to do with this. Miss Tessa waswilling to release you, so all credit goes to her.” Sophia was furious that Patrick gave Tessa all the credit. “Don’t you try to back her up. She’s an ingrate!She got everything she wanted, so of course she’s willing to release Dad. Dad! Grandma and I went andasked her to release you, but she ignored us and chased us out. She even demanded Maple HillCondominium and five million. And she even took the jewelry away. I don’t mind her doing this to me, butgoing for you is too far! She called the cops on you and smeared the c to pay her just to get youreleased, but apparently, she’s the hero!” Silas’s face fell. “How dare she?” “Alright, enough. What’s important is to get the company back on track. That b*tch can’t run away. Shehas to take care of that useless cripple. We can handle her after this,” Amber said. novelbin

They’re twisting the truth? Patrick was speechless. They’re beyond hope. Don’t they know what theyshould do now? Well, I work for them, so I can’t just let the company crumble. Patrick advised,“Chairman, please don’t do anything to Miss Tessa. She has Nicholas Sawyer from Sawyer Group toback her up.” Sophia was furious that Patrick was stopping them from teaching Tessa a lesson instead of supportingthem. “Patrick, what are you doing? Whose side are you on? Why do you always take her side, and whyare you bringing Nicholas up? If you think she’s so much better than us, then go work for her. See if shewants you.” Patrick’s face fell. How ignorant. If it weren’t for me, Silas would have been locked up until god knowswhen. “Silence! That’s nonsense!” Silas chided Sophia. I spent a lot of time and effort to hire him. If he leaves us because of this girl, it’ll be worse for thecompany. He looked at Patrick. “Pardon the girl. She can be a bit rude.” Patrick looked slightly less upset. He nodded and said nothing else. After they came home, Amber cooked a feast to welcome Silas back. “You got a lot thinner, Dad.” Sophia looked at her father, worried. Silas gave her a reassuring smile. “Eh, I’ll fatten up in a few days.” “But Mom is still locked up. Can you save her? That bitch just won’t let both of you go. Now Mom has totake all the blame. She must be suffering inside.”

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