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Chapter 527

"We got the information back on the casino." | said as she sat down in the other seat. Kristen stood off to the side and just foldedher arms over her chest.

"And?" Penny looked between us.

"The ownership is listed under Midnight LLC and there is a full board of trustees and everything. Now, since you hold the title stilland the paperwork backs up you being the ownership of the Midnight LLC name, you are the ownership." Alec said, simply.

"What is the problem?" Penny didn't change her defensiveness that had build up.

"You have a choice. We can go in there and clean house. Take ownership and do all the legal work that it would take to take overthe ownership. The people on the board are people that we have never heard of before so we don't know if it is all humans orwolves. We don't know if they are even Joe's men. Up until now, we have merged the Midnight pack with the Blue Fang pack.You have been known as the luna to the Blue Fang. If you keep this listed as Midnight LLC, then you would have to step into thatrole and not be known as luna of the Blue Fang pack.�� | said as | took her hand.

"If | chose to keep being the alpha of the Midnight pack, | can't be luna of the Blue Fang?" Penny asked.

"What's the difference between now and then?" "The difference is you didn't have anything under your name. The land was splitand isn't known as Midnight anymore. Now, there is a property and under the werewolf law, you can't hold two ranking positions.However, we can take over the casino and then work on merging it but you would need to decide which title you want to give up."Alec clarified.

��Okay, Let's work on changing the nand switching over so the Midnight nis gone." Penny said simply.

��A-are you sure? We wouldn't have to reject each other or anything. You will have to denounce your ties to the pack when wejoin them together." | was shocked she was being so calm about this but then again, | wasn't.

"| wasn't ever part of the Midnight pack and the only reason we got the titles was because of Cassie. Blue Fang is my home.Everything else has been eliminated and | assumed we would just do the sas we did before so I'm not sure what this is." "Thedifference is this is entirely your decision. The rest | highly encouraged you on how to move forward. There isn't a wrong or rightway to do this." "I mean, | would like to just take it over and change the name. The incwould be amazing for our pack and helpfund my programs. | know this means so much legal work and headache but is this not the best way to go about this?" "I thinkthat is a great choice." | said wanting to reassure her.

"Sounds good. We will get the paperwork in order so we can start the process." Alec said simply."What are you girls here for anyways?" | asked, ready to change the subject.

"Cto see if you guys want to get lunch?�� "Yeah, we can get lunch. That would be nice." Alec said as his fingers flew across thekeyboard.

"Just in the kitchen?" | asked.

"Yeah, they are having a taco bar. It was simple and easy to do with all these people here and the fact they are getting ready forthe BBQ tonight." "Sounds good to me." | said. The desire to put off signing all this paperwork by far was greater than my hunger.

"Yeah. Might as well take a break. This paperwork will take awhile to fill out." Alec slammed his laptop down and stood up.��How are the kids?" | asked. There was even a little withdraw | felt from not seeing them.

"Sleeping. We just fed them and laid them down before we cdown here." Alec walked behind Kristen as she headed towards thedoor. Penny followed Alec and | brought up the rear. "How are they doing?" | asked as | shut the door.

"Really well. Their lives are eating,sleeping and pooping. Nothing muchdifference." Kristen sighed. "| can'twait till they are a little older so wecan play with them." Penny laughed."| agree but the snuggles aresomething else." The kitchen wasover flooded as 2g0Ri� were Walkihgapoynd ating >r just mingling. Fromwhat could ee, no one was sittingaccording to acks but mingledtogether as one. The head table wasempty from all he alpha and lunasbut | wasn't completely surprised. Wewent to the line that had formed andwaited out turn. More than once heyoffered to let us put but we leclinedInstead, the four of us just stened tothe chatter that was joing around. Afew of the girls we escued weretalking about wanting o find theirfamilies. The general feel of the roomwas complete delight and happiness.As | went through the bar, | wasvaguely aware of what | was getting.Instead, | kept my attention the packmembers around me. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

A group of guys tried to hit on sgirlsbut got shut down hard. There was agroup of guys wrestling in the corner

of er of the oer and eyrousot girlshappily voSdiping about something. Itwas like our lives had finally gottenthe chance to go back to a normalcy.Friendships were formed and bondswere found. "Earth to Colt!" Kristensnapped her fingers in front of myface. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"What?" Taking a bite of rice, | tried to act like | was paying attention.��What do you think?" She asked, knowing she caughinot listening."| wasn't listening." | said, not wanting her to win.


"What do you think about having aceremony for Pen Ne 9 signity' Aer

r ining Weralsha title.�� The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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