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Chapter 511

"I'm what?" "With me. Kristen's orders. You can argue with her." Alec rolled his eyes and folded his arms. ��Wouldn't doany good.Funny how she didn't tellthat when | was on the phone with her." "She isn't stupid." That brought a little smile to my face.Knowing my sister was giving Alec hell still was something that madeproud for sreason.

"No. She is a lot of things but stupid isn't one of them." We fell into a semi comfortable silence as we watched evidence getbrought out. ��A-alpha?" A warrior looked uncomfortable at a crate he was carrying.

"What?" "Um..." He didn't want to say what it was so instead, he walked up toto show me. Inside, there was multiple bags ofblood with Penny's non them. This was all the blood they had taken but hadn't used yet.

My first thought was to save it so we could give it back to her but it wasn't kept cold and couldn't be any good. ��Leave it here.��The warrior put the crate on the ground and walked away. ��What are you going to do with it?" Alec asked.

"Trying to decide how to dispose of it." Keeping the anger from rising was harder said than done."You can just dump it out.�� Alec suggested.

"That just seems...." | wasn't sure how to describe it. Wasteful wasn't the right word. Putting her blood in the dirt seemed dirtyand almost disrespectful. | couldn't risk just putting it in the center and hoping it is destroyed in the fire. We couldn't bury the bagsin case they were ever found and something was done with the blood.

"We can spill the blood on the front doors then put the gas on top of it. That way it's like she is burning down the building." "Whatgas?" We had slighter fluid but nothing like what he was describing.

"They found an abandoned gas station they have been using to fill their vehicles with. A few guys grabbed a couple of the cansand brought them with us. They assumed we would be burning shit." "I'm lighting the fire so they have until the helicopter getshere to clear the building. We are not missing our flight." Alec nodded and walked to warn the guys to pick it up. | wasn't surewhat to do so | just stood there. Every few minutes, | checked my phone for an update from Penny. More than once, | pulled upher nand was going to hit call but just clicked my phone off and put it back into my pocket.

After what felt like eternity, the distance sounds of the helicopter made my anxiety flare up a little. ��Everything is ready.�� Alecsaid.

As if right on cue, the train crumbling around the corner. Grabbing the crate, | walked over and set it down by the front doors.Pulling out my pocket knife and cutting the top off, it was easy to spill the blood on the wooden frame. The wood was so old thatthe blood stuck to it and seemed into it instantly.

Once | was finished, a warrior cup toand handedthe gas without saying a word. The helicopter was approaching quickly, ready toland on the old parking lot. Spraying the gas everywhere was almost satisfying in itself. After all the warriors were loaded into thetrain, | took the lighter and lit it.

For sreason, | just looked at the fire for a moment before | touched it to the gas. There was a small blast as the fire spreadquickly up the side of the building. | had to step back quickly and make sure | still had eyebrows after that.

No one spoke as we just watched how quickly it eloped in flames. Once | was satisfied the blood was om mpletely burned, did |put my head down and walked towards the helicopter. Carson would see to it that nothing was left. My job here was done and itwould honestly be a long tbefore | made it back to his land. .

Alec wasn't far behindso | waited until he was in the helicopter before | looked one last tat the massive fire before stepping off theland for the last time. Alec brought the hearts with him so there was nothing lefthere to do.novelbin

Once | was buckled in, the helicopter took off. My eyes didn't leave the fire until it was out of sight completely. More than once, |kept checking my phone for updates but seeing as | didn't have any bars, the likely hood ofgetting an update was slim to none.

Being confined to this tiny moving room, | was left to only my thoughts to keepsane. Closing my eyes, | just pictured my babiesfrom when | first met them. Cutting each of their umbilical cords and the love in Penny's eyes.

Only when the helicopter droppedsuddenly, did | open my eyes. | washome. There was a cart w itipgy@ff toel the si iotake US he hospital.My hand firmly gripped the handle tothe door the whole way down. So,when it finally touched down, |jumped out and practically ran to thegolf cart. . The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Thankfully, Alec was right behindsomy warrior took ES Niap asurghedtovell � we were beingchased so we got there very quickly.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

"Alpha." | was greeted at the door by the doctor and a few nurses.

��How's my daughter?" | asked, skipping pleasantries.

Thankfully, he turned and walked infront of me, leadingto her. "She isokay. We have her on the MOPItETS.We wer able teaetietest of theBias do a full assessment.were to getvifel, I'm happy to say thatall three babies are going to be okay."He opened the door forto go in. Still, |wasn't prepared for what | saw. . Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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