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Chapter 503

Penny POV The fear of watching Colt fight Vin was something | had never experience before. My vagina was on fire and theykept tellingto push but all | could focus on was Colt. | couldn't push and watch him get gutted. Bring our babies into the world astheir father died wasn't something | could let happen.

Being stuck to the bed was the worst part. | wanted to run to him. There was something insidethat kept trying to get out. It waslike something was literally pushing against my chest. My wolf was growling, ready to attack at any moment.

The pressure got so great that | just couldn't fight it anymore. My mate was in trouble and my babies wanted out. Colt needed tobe beside me. As soon as | decided to let the pressure out, there was this over whelming surge of power.

"NO!" It wasn't my voice but yet it was. There was an anger to it, a growl almost that made it almost inhuman. In my desperation,| pushed all the power out, wishing it was halter Vin.

To my pleasure, it did. Vin froze in place just long enough that Colt's hand shot forward. The satisfaction of Vin's eyes meetingmine with complete shock and then look back at Colt before his body fell was beyond satisfying. Something red was firmly inColt's hands as he struggled to sit up.

"Colt!" There wasn't any weakness or concern in my voice. It was a fucking get up and get beside me. Pushing my newly foundenergy to him, | wanted him besideas | pushed these babies out.

“PENNY! FOCUS!" The doctor yelled at me. Both his hands were doing something between my legs that | tried not to thinkabout.

"Con! You can do it! You need to get those babies out before he has to do a C-section!" Rosalie tried to plead to me."I'm here!" Colt staggered toand grabbed my hand. His hands were covered in blood.

"Wash your hands!" The doctor pulled his hands away and grabbed a water bottle. Opening the cap, he slowly poured the waterover Colt's. Bloody water fell on the white carpet but it wasn't like this entire suite wasn't ruined already.

“I'm so sorry!" Colt said when he cback over.

“Alpha. Grab that blanket and be ready to catch." The doctor instructed before | could even respond. Another round ofcontractions pushed against me. My body screamed forto push this baby out.

"Push!" Rosalie urged and | was done resisting. With one push, the baby shot out into the doctor's arms.Colt was barely ready when the doctor took the baby and instantly placed our little boy in his arms.

Grabbing the suction, he cleared his airway. The sweetest little cry brought tears to my eyes. | was so preoccupied with his littleface that | barely witnessed Colt cutting the umbilical cord. Rosalie walked over and helped Colt swaddle him.

"Does he have a name?" She asked as Colt put him on my chest.

“Elijah Colt." We both said at the stime. Colt put his arm around my shoulders, makinglook up to him. Tears clouded my visionbut | didn't need to see to respond to the kiss Colt placed on my lips.

“Be ready, here comes another one." The doctor said in a strained voice.“May I?" Rosalie asked as she reached out.

“No, | have him.” | said, instantly. "Colt will helppush if needed." It wasn't that | didn't trust anything would happen to him but |wasn't about to let him out of my arms. Everything | had been through, was for him and his siblings.

“Alpha, get another blanket. Luna...push!" Colt reached down and grabbed a blanket with one hand and used the other tohelpcrunch. My wolf flashed before my eyes, givingthe strength to push my second baby boy out.

Again, the doctor instantly placed him in Colt's arms. After clearing his airway, Colt cut the umbilical cord. He didn't even cry butlook around with the most grumpiest fast on.

"Little Cooper Brian isn't impressed to be here.” Colt laughed as he managed to swaddle Cooper by himself. There was so muchemotion in his voice that | felt like my heart was going to explode.

“Little Elijah and Little Cooper. What beautiful names." Rosalie had a little tear run down her cheek.

"I'm sorry, Luna Penny, this isn't going to feel great." The doctor said before he shoved his arm inside me. He was up to hiselbow with his face serunched up. The pressure that | felt like was nothing else. It already felt like an alien was insidewith thebabies moving around, this was very unnatural. .

"What are you doing?" Colt asked, alarmed.


"The third baby becbreech. I'mgrabbing it's legs to bring her out." Hesaid in a strained Seo eon

g onds Vater, Golise arm slowlybegan to pulled out. Colt didn't needto be told a third time. Grabbing theblanket, he looked over at his little girlbeing born. . The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

With both boys in my arms, all | coulddo was wait and see. My wolf wasfront and center as she sh omhelped Rushed, hedst aby out.Thellas wave of fluid cout as | feltthe relief that comes with beingcompletely empty of babies. Herscreams were pissed and filled theentire room. . The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"That's my girl." Colt cooed.

"What's her name?" Rosalie asked asshe watched Colt swaddle issonlydaughter After thistrtswi be hisob chi ren. Regardless of what hewill say, I'm fucking done. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

"Eliana Penelope." Colt answered. Just hearing my daughter's nfinally brought tears to my eyes. Colt loved her for just a momentbefore placing her in my arms.

“My family." Colt wrapped his arm aroundas he looked at me.

"Givea few mintues to clean you up." The doctor said. His voice broughtout of my bubble, makingaware of Alec and Carsonstanding at the doorway.

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