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Chapter 399

Chapter 0399 “We walked up and witnessed Zach speaking with Kara. Kara was the one trying to break into myoffice. The cameras have only caught someone in pink hair. She is mated to Gunther and was helping them.” “Holy s hit.” “Zac got caught and we had to save him and here we are. Man, this whole thing is so f ucked up rightnow. I don’t even know what to think.” I said as we pulled up to the gate. My guards had their guns atfull draw, pointing beyond my territory. “Alpha, we have them at gunpoint.” My warrior announced as we walked up. “Colt… please!” Kara had black tear stains down her face. Gunther was sporting a fresh bullet hole inhis side but was on his knees with his hands behind his head. Although he was pale, he looked like hejust had a flesh wound. “That is Alpha to you.” I said firmly as I walked out to see them. novelbin

“Please, he is bleeding! Gunther got shot and he is dying! Please save him. I love him!” Kara begged.Gunther looked over at her and buried his eye brows. “It’s a flesh wound.” “Why are you here? I should kill you both right now.” I wasn’t in the mood to play. “A-alpha?” Kara looked stricken at me. “Did you really think I wasn’t aware of you sneaking into my office? If I go to your room, I won’t find apink wig?” +25 BONUS Kara looked taken aback. “You knew?” “Of course I knew. There are security cameras up and your little note. did nothing.” “You tipped him off?” Gunther looked at Kara like she betrayed him. “I did it for you! You didn’t want this life! I had to do something to get you out of it! YES! Yes I broke intoyour office to steal information, but I put the note there because I didn’t want Penny’s life in danger. I

thought if I tipped you off, that you would up her security and she would be safe. I-I still got theinformation to give you so you would give it to Vin so he thought I was on his side. That way, I couldkeep leaving notes to warn you, Alpha. Then I ran into Zac. He said he would help me. He altered thepapers I stole so Vin wouldn’t have the correct information. I don’t even know what I stole. It lookedimportant. It had Penny’s buildings on it. I asked Penny for a job so l could help keep people safe. I justwanted to save Gunther and save the pack I love.” Kara was barely audible by the end of it from all her crying. “You admit to committing treason. You willfully gave evidence to the person actively trying to kill yourluna. Then there is you, Gunther. You have done so many things that warrant your death. Yet, you kneelbefore me, asking what exactly?” “To hear me out. Wait until I have confessed everything and then. pass your judgement. I do not comehere willingly, nor do I want to be here. However, I had to make a choice…. the mate bond or Vin.” “Just like that? You expect me to believe that you had a change of heart in the matter of minutes? Inthe time all hell went loose, your expect me to believe that you are now on my side?” “I’m not on your side. I am on the side that keeps me alive.” Gunther said honestly. 25 BONUS At least he was honest. “You will be treated at the hospital and then moved to cells for interrogation.” Isaid firmly. “What?” Kara looked at Gunther with wide eyes. “You can’t! He is a good person!” “He has done unspeakable crimes!” I bellowed. “How many women did he rape before he met you?How many women and children did he slap or abuse in any form?” I just looked at her with so muchanger that she cowered back. Gunther didn’t even argue or fight as the guards picked him up and drug him away. 25 BONUS

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