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Chapter 364

Chapter 0364 “W-what?” I jumped so bad that my hand smacked into the door handle. Dropping everything in them, including the letter. Thankfully, the letter fell on top of everything. “I’m sorry, dear. Did I startle you?” Placing my hand over the letter, I looked behind me. Cassie was standing there, looking at meworriedly. “Yeah, a little.” I answered honestly. I was trying to see if Alpha Colt was in but I guess not.Grabbing the tools and the letter, I was able to shove them in my pocket as Cassie turned her back tohave a seat on the floor. “Yes, they are out right now.” Cassie got comfortable and smiled at me. “I don’t remember seeing youhere before.” “Oh, I’m trying out a new hair color. I. um… need to…”

“I’m a little sad. This packhouse has been wonderful but I am moving into my own house today andPenny isn’t here to help me. You know, I remember when I was your age. Full of life. Young and I hadso many dreams to what my life was going to look like. My father, Alpha Ivan would spoil me rotten!”Cassie’s eyes glazed over like she had transported back in time. “I saw your mark and I rememberedwhen I hoped to be marked by my mate.” S hit! Shifting my shirt, I moved so I was sitting more comfortably. Cassie didn’t look like she was goinganywhere so as she kept talking, I slipped the note under the door and kept on listening. There wasn’tanyway I was getting into this office now. I’ll have to try again another. time. “Study hard, sweet girl. One day you will be luna and smart lunas get the best mates!” Cassie laughed.“That is what my dad used to tell me. Apparently, I didn’t study hard enough. Though, all those years in +25 BONUS ummy on mo. IRHUM TUM LU Omoet tuin u yuuru. I’m not proud of it but it was my own little revenge. I may not be the best looker now but back then….back then I was se xy. The more I flirted, the more they couldn’t resist me. Now, it only went so far

because Rip would feel the betrayal and come down to kill whoever it was but I didn’t care. They allneeded to die.” “That would take so much strength.” I whispered in awe. “Not really. Honestly, when you only see dirt, it was the only way for me to entertain myself. It kept mefeeling like a person and now a blow up doll. Sure, I got punished for it but just knowing I pis sed himoff was worth it.” Cassie smiled at me. There wasn’t an ounce of regret on her face. “Can’t say I blame you.” I had to chuckle a little at that. “What would the guards tell you?” “What do you mean?” Cassie asked. “If you sweet talked them, would they just give in or why didn’t Rip just command them to not talk toyou?” “Oh, well, he did. He did command them to not talk to me but they were men. Men that thought women were beneath them. If I couldn’t get them talk, I would just put on ashow. I wasn’t allowed clothes. and after a year or so, you stop caring. They just couldn’t resist anddisobeyed his command. I think that is what made him more mad. He would come down b itching thathe had to drive all the way back in the woods or fly back on his plane.” “Where did he go?” I asked. “My father had a vacation home that was a state over. I’m not sure what is of it now but Rip wouldalways say he had business to tend to there.” “Why didn’t Zac ever get you out of there?” I asked. I heard everyone give her a better life?novelbin

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