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Chapter 304

Chapter 0304 “It’s a dress.” Kris shrugged before moving on. “Jacob.” He scooped her up and twirled her once beforesitting her down. I always glanced over at Alec when Jacob does that. There is a little annoyance on hisface but I think he has come to accept it for what it is. However, I was surprised that Sherry hugged Kris back. Not that she had much of a choice but it wasstill nice to see. “Where is Emmy?” I asked. Kris’s b*dy tensed up a little. “Sssssshe will meet us at the party.” Alec looked up at the sky and gave a big sigh. “That doesn’t sound good.” Colt concluded. “Apparently, she wanted yellow balloons and there are purple ones.” Kris put her hands on her hips. “Iwould love to stay and talk abut I have to go fix whatever she is crying about now.” “Do you need some help?” I asked.

“That would be amazing.” Kris smiled at me in relief. “Of course. Sherry and I will come see what we can do to help you. out.” Grabbing Sherry’s hand, Iforced her to follow us. “I know these balloons are the real issue at hand but she is freaking out over being a mom in short.”Kris said as we made our way around the packhouse and to the back. A large white tent was up withlots of ballons and decoration. Some of the balloons were shaped like baby bottles or pacifiers andothers were just basic balloons. What I liked the most was the massive balloons that were standingabout seven feet in the air with a string of confetti holding them down. However, they were purple. “It is a scary thing.” Sherry said softly. We both heard the timidness in her voice but Kris was too knowing to call her out on it. Instead, she gave her a smile and nodded aswe came up to the event. “Oh, Luna!” A pack member came up to her with pieces of hair sticking out in every direction. “We needyou.” novelbin

“What happened?” Kris frowned. “She doesn’t like the cake! I had to take it away before she smashed it!” Tears filled the girl’s eyes. “S hit. Where is she?” “She is in the bathroom and we had to take down those center pieces and now I don’t know what todo!” “I can handle this is if you guys want to go handle her?” Sherry said to our surprise. Kris blinked a few times but recovered well. “That would be amazing. Just use your best judgement. I’msure whatever you decide will be perfect.” I gave her a warm smile as we walked inside. Jasper was resting his head against the bathroom,looking completely exhausted. “Come on, just open the door or I’ll break it down!” “Jasper, why don’t you go find the men and we will handle her?” I said and pulled him away. If I wascorrect, Kris wasn’t going to wait for her to open it before she busted it down. Jasper didn’t even respond but tossed his hands in the air and walked. away. “I will give you threeseconds and then I am breaking this door.” Kris said in a very authoritative way. The door flew open. Emmy was standing there in a beautiful yellow fitted dress. It was a higher neckline with no sleeves. The whole thing muyyou mer preynum uvury w THAT HIM and left it down but her make up was smudged from crying. “What is the problem?” Kris half yelled as we walked in. Closing the door behind me, Kris grabbed arag and started cleaning Emmy’s face. “My dress doesn’t match anything now! I wanted yellow balloons and a yellow cake but it’s all purple!” Icouldn’t contain my laughter. www 13 +25 BONUS

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