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Chapter 121

Chapter 0121 “What do you want for supper?” Alec asked as he went to the bathroom.“A wrap or sandwich. Whatever they have is fine. I’m not picky.” “Okay.” Alec yelled from the bathroom before I heard the shower turn on. The door was open but Iwasn’t sure if I should join him or not. In the end, I decided to open the balcony door and sit on one ofthe lounge chairs. After a minute, I got bored and wanted a book. “Alec, I am going to the library to grab a book real quick!” I yelled into the bathroom. “Okay. Come right back!” He said sternly. “Yes, sir.” I said sarcastically but smiled at my little freedom, It was really only down the hall but still.Opening the bedroom door, I walked to the library and went inside. The smell of paper and ink is one Iwill never get tired of. Grabbing one, I took it and went back to the bedroom. Alec was still in theshower so I went to the balcony and started reading. “What are you reading?” Alec’s voice startled me as he sat down next to me. He was only wearingshorts. “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking. “I guess you can call it an interest.” “Space or how the universe works?” His comment surprised me.

“Have you read it before?” “Yeah. I like how it all pieces together.” “Me too. It’s crazy to think about how there is a whole different world up there. We are merely a speckin it.” Laying my head back, the sun was just below the treeline. A knock sounded on the bedroom door. Alec got up and answered it. He came back with a cart of foodDinner is served.” Setting a plate of food down beside me on the little table, I put the book down andstarted eating. “Thank you.” “Yup.” We ate in silence, just watching the sun finish setting and the stars popping out. The breeze was warm

as it tossed my hair around. “I arm going to shower quickly. Get some of this blood off me.” “Okay.” Alec got up and pour himself a scotch as I went to the bathroom. The water felt amazing on my skin, even though it burned a little where I got bit. That still pis ses me offthat it even happened. It felt nice to have clean hair again. After drying myself off, I went to the closetand grabbed silk pajama shorts and a matching tank. Alec was still on the balcony sipping his drink so Igrabbed my own and sat on my chair. “Feel better?” He asked. “I do.” The scotch burned as it went down. “I had whiskey up there for you.” “Thank you. This s hit is gross.” Shooting the rest back, I went back in and looked through the cabinetsuntil I found the Jack Daniel’s Gentleman. Pouring myself a glass, I went back out and sat down. “Somuch better.” “What color of dress do you have for prom?” Alec asked. “Black.” “Good.” “Good?” “I don’t have to buy anything new to match you.” Alec sipped his drink. “You’re welcome.” I said sarcastically. “There is only a few weeks left in school.” Alec started. Looking over at him, I waited for him to finishwhere he was going with this. After I didn’t respond, he kept going. “With everything that is going on, maybe it would be better to have to teachers send over our finals and just be done.” I didn’t answer. Instead, looked up at the dark sky and wish I was on some beach. In a tiny silver bikiniwith a drink in my hand. I want to feel the sand between my toes as the salty warm wind plays with my hair. Alec stood up and walk back into the bedroom. I heard him wrestling with something but I didn’t look. Itwas only after he called me name did I figure out what he was doing.

“Kristen?” Being careful not to touch or hurt me, his fingers were magic. Forcing me to release a moan against mywill. As he worked on my other foot. He moved my leg open more. I was slightly confused as he didn’tdo this with the other leg but his hands ran up my leg and grazed me before going back down. Movingthe sheet, it laid between my legs and only covered my core as his fingers moved on both inner legs. Ifelt myself get aroused. However, I was so relaxed and so far under his spell that I didn’t even noticethe table shake a little.Only when the sheet sl*pped off me and I felt something wet enter me, did my hip buckle and a deepmoan escape my l*ps that I was holding back. Alec put his arms under my legs and reached up.Ripping the towel off, his hands grabbed my breast and squeezed. His tongue worked magic as hishand kept massaging my stomach and down to my hips. My breathing was heavy as he sl*pped off thetable. Today’s Bonus Offernovelbin

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