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Chapter 117

Chapter 0117 A huge gust of wind blew and I caught the scent. My b*dy instantly froze as I became alert to mysurroundings. “Kr-?” Alec started to speak but I held up my hand. “Smell that?” I asked in the mind-link. “No?” Alec looked concerned. He looked around but he was tensed and ready. “What did you smell?” “Rogues.” Alec’s eyes snapped to mine. Pointing to the wall, I motioned for him to take a look. He must havecaught my thinking as he quietly walked over. Jumping up, he used his fingertips to lift himself up to thetop and barely peak over. As soon as he did, he dropped to the ground, motioning for me to get down. “You’re right.” I got behind a tree and crouched down as I could hear them just on the other side of thewall. “Stay down, I got warriors coming.” novelbin

“How many are there?” “A dozen or so.” S hit. We could handle a few but not more than that. “Hmm.” “You need to quietly head back.” Alec said to me. The sound the the rogues scraping the wall echoed across. “The f uck I am! I’m not leaving you to fight them by yourself.” “I’m not allowing you to be in danger!” Alec gave me a look but I wasn’t listening. “We need to shift before they get over here.” I said to him. Not even giving him a chance to explain, Iclosed my eyes and called my wolf forward. I only took a few seconds before I was standing on all fourpaws. Sierra stood before him in all her glory. The silver shining in the sunlight. Looking over, Alec hadshifted too. His wolf was massive. With matching dark green eyes, his all black wolf. Right as he shifted, a rogue had scaled the wall and dropped on the back of his neck. Without eventhinking, my wolf leaped forward. Diving straight into the rogue. Sinking her teeth into his neck, hekicked off from the wall, making up barrel roll off Alec and onto the dirt. Landing on the bottom, mywolf’s fur turned red from the blood that rushed out of the dying rogue.

The sounds of growls filled around me. Kicking the dead rogue off, more rogues had scaled the wall.Alec was fighting three at once as two had circled me. The one in front of me lunged forward as the same time the one behind me went low. Dodging to theside, my wolf was able to kick one in the face as the one in the front barely missed her snout.Suddenly, a massive weight landed on my back, almost causing me to fall as a sharp pain erupted onmy shoulder. Rearing back, my wolf pinned the rogue on my back against the wall. The rogue in front of me shiftedback to his human form. “Don’t f ucking kill her!” The teeth instantly came out of my shoulders. Fearwashed over me as the guy started shouting orders. “This is who we want! Capture her!” My wolf went into panic mode. Making her incredibly dangerous, she went on the attack. Jumping offthe rogue she had pinned, her paws landed on the rogue that shifted, slicing his neck open. Not evenwaiting for him to die, she lunged at the next one. Biting his thigh, she whipped him around, tossing himagainst a tree. Before he fell, another wolf ran at him, sinking his teeth into his neck. Our warriors finallyarrived. “KEEP ONE ALIVE!” I yelled to Alec. I watched as our warriors limited the threat. The one Alec wasfighting, he instantly took his teeth out and knocked unconscious. The warriors were doing the same. I was in shock. What did he mean they wanted me? Was this some bad failed attempt at kidnappingme? I mean, they only sent a dozen or so rogues? My wolf was pacing as she looked at each one.Who didn’t have their necks ripped out were laying unconscious. “Kristen.” Alec’s voice interrupted my thoughts as my head whipped around to look at him. He hadshifted back and was wearing a pair of shorts. Holding up a t-shirt, he motioned for me to take it. The warriors were starting to shift back and put on their own shorts.

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